Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's not saying to much about the party nor Obama that one woman is supposedly able to wreck the party. I think alot of the hysterics lately is all geared with the sole intent of pushing Hillary out. The real problem is that the voters have kept this race close & haven't chosen a winner yet. That's democracy & if the party really wants to avoid inflicting damage on itself it will tread very carefully so not to appear to be ending the process prematurely to give the nomination to Obama. Right now he can only be the democratic nominee of 48 states. If party leaders misstep they'll take even that away.

I agree, that influential forces inside the DNC and the complicit liberal media have made it clear that Obama is their man, and toward that end they look the other way at Obama's mis-steps, and hype to death Hillary's mis-steps.

When Al Gore was running, he campaigned on the stump and told some guy in the midwest that he knows the farmer's plight because he grew up on a farm, and it turned out he's never lived on a farm. That hardly made a ripple in the news media, because Gore was their man.
And similarly the "invented the internet" thing.

In the case of Hillary and landing "under fire" in Bosnia, what does that really have to do with her experience in government or policy she's proposed or supported. It's just as irrelevant as Gore's remarks. Politicians all the time cozy up to voters and try to find ways to show they "understand", that they come from the same background, and that they're "on your side". And Republican or Democrat, they all schmooze and lie a little to appeal to the Common Man.
I think every president has done this, and if that's as far as it goes, rallying people with anecdotes, I don't have a problem with it. I only have a problem if it manifests corruption and selling out the country, toward some ulterior agenda.

In the case of Hillary with the "under fire in Bosnia" anecdote, it's overkill by the media. It's finding the slightest vulnerability on Hillary's part, exploiting it to death, and manufacturing a scandal over nothing. All because this is a way for the media to tip the scales at a crucial point, and manipulate the election result, toward Obama, the candidate they clearly favor.

In some ways, it's similar to calling Florida prematurely for Gore in 2000, and suppressing Republican turnout, when not doing so would have made W.Bush the decisive winner and eliminated all question otherwise.

It resembles the media's jumping on the bandwagon with Dan Rather's false 60 Minutes report in Oct 2004, in an October Surprise calculated to smear Bush days before the election, before he had time to respond and clear his name. And it would have worked, if the incriminating letter wasn't quickly proven a forgery, thanks to bloggers and no thanks at all to the fucking liberal media, who were all too eager to give it a pass and complicitly smear Bush.

The media-wide Hillary bash-fest over her "landing under fire" in Bosnia also resembles the Mark Foley scandal, the Dems' 2006 October Surprise, where they went way beyond unethical pedophile Mark Foley, and relentlessly alleged a wider conspiracy to cover up Foley's flirtations with young boys by the entire Republican leadership. A media-complicit October Surprise that worked, and contrib uted to suppressing Republican voter-support of their own party, and enhanced Democrat victories.

So here we are again with Hillary. Obama is their man, and Hillary clearly is not. And that's why this non-story will be repeated every 10 minutes until she goes down. Maybe the Democrat primary voters wouldn't want Hillary anyway, in an honestly-reported Democrat primary.
But we'll never know, because of the slimy way the Whomods in the media are reporting it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.