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PJP #935319 2008-03-27 10:06 PM
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 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
So if Hillary wins the nomination then you will vote for her....right?

Yes. Without a doubt.

At that point, I'd have to decide what is better for our country, Shrillary or 4 more years of GOP policies.

While i have little faith in the DLC style way of tackling important topics, it's at least a shred of hope as opposed to none, as McCain's rhetoric has shown to be the case.

But that is beyond hypothetical. Hillary lost. Her desperate tactics prove she already knows this to be true. Hillary and her rich donors are going to find out thaty they're no longer relevant in a party where millions of small donors now rule the day.

whomod #935325 2008-03-27 10:25 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
So if Hillary wins the nomination then you will vote for her....right?

Yes. Without a doubt.

Just quoting so I can use it against you later on.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
whomod #935328 2008-03-27 10:28 PM
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Here's whomod back on 03/19/04 03:14 AM:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
I've mentioned my admiration and support of McCain several times in the past. And it really has little to do with his views or political positions (many of which I disagree with) but with his character.

With McCain, I sense a genuine integrity about the man. And his brand of Republicanism I see as political and not the quasi-religious fanaticism of the neocons who are positive they know everything there is to know about an issue and the only work is to try to force all data to support their conclusions.

I can see McCain working with the Democrats, i can see him working with our allies rather than belittling and bullying his way to his goals. And I can see him admiting errors, I can see him changing his opinions rather than trying to change the facts to suit him and I can see him give as well as take. In other words, i see a leader.

And, again, on 03/25/04 06:19 AM

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Now if you ran ...John McCain, i'd be running over to GOP campaign headquarters shouting HURRAH! an honest Republican ticket!!

And, more recently, on 01/17/08 04:51 AM:
 Originally Posted By: whomod
South Carolina is known for its dirty politics and no one knows more about that than Senator John McCain. He suffered despicable personal attacks ...It's despicable that this sort of thing happens to anyone. Especially someone like John MCain who served honorably and suffered for his country. It's just endemic of this attitude that opponents must be destroyed at all costs.

Now, with McCain all but the official Republican candidate for president, what does our friend whomod think of the good Senator now?

 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
So if Hillary wins the nomination then you will vote for her....right?

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Yes. Without a doubt...While i have little faith in the DLC style way of tackling important topics, it's at least a shred of hope as opposed to none, as McCain's rhetoric has shown to be the case.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Man, what a difference being a Republican nominee makes.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Extort is a pretty big word to throw around Whomod. Even Hillary's rich fatcat] supporters have a right to threaten and extort] our representatives. Also Obama supporters have resorted to some tactics concerning the superdelegates that are not cool.

I will be voting for McCain btw Whomod if you & your cult of Obama succeed in getting him nominated. I'll be dedicating the vote to you

whomod #935331 2008-03-27 10:33 PM
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G-Man will continue to beat a dead horse to the ground.

I can write at length again over McCain courting the right wing or I can just post this picture which says it all:

There goes the "maverick" of yesteryear in what looks strangely intimate and certainly humiliatingly debasing. That is after all the guy who's campaign accused his wife of having an illegitimate black baby and being a crazy drug addicted wife. And McCain has him in some lovers embrace???

PJP #935355 2008-03-28 12:23 AM
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 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP

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the G-man #935386 2008-03-28 2:25 AM
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It's not saying to much about the party nor Obama that one woman is supposedly able to wreck the party. I think alot of the hysterics lately is all geared with the sole intent of pushing Hillary out. The real problem is that the voters have kept this race close & haven't chosen a winner yet. That's democracy & if the party really wants to avoid inflicting damage on itself it will tread very carefully so not to appear to be ending the process prematurely to give the nomination to Obama. Right now he can only be the democratic nominee of 48 states. If party leaders misstep they'll take even that away.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's not saying to much about the party nor Obama that one woman is supposedly able to wreck the party. I think alot of the hysterics lately is all geared with the sole intent of pushing Hillary out. The real problem is that the voters have kept this race close & haven't chosen a winner yet. That's democracy & if the party really wants to avoid inflicting damage on itself it will tread very carefully so not to appear to be ending the process prematurely to give the nomination to Obama. Right now he can only be the democratic nominee of 48 states. If party leaders misstep they'll take even that away.

I agree, that influential forces inside the DNC and the complicit liberal media have made it clear that Obama is their man, and toward that end they look the other way at Obama's mis-steps, and hype to death Hillary's mis-steps.

When Al Gore was running, he campaigned on the stump and told some guy in the midwest that he knows the farmer's plight because he grew up on a farm, and it turned out he's never lived on a farm. That hardly made a ripple in the news media, because Gore was their man.
And similarly the "invented the internet" thing.

In the case of Hillary and landing "under fire" in Bosnia, what does that really have to do with her experience in government or policy she's proposed or supported. It's just as irrelevant as Gore's remarks. Politicians all the time cozy up to voters and try to find ways to show they "understand", that they come from the same background, and that they're "on your side". And Republican or Democrat, they all schmooze and lie a little to appeal to the Common Man.
I think every president has done this, and if that's as far as it goes, rallying people with anecdotes, I don't have a problem with it. I only have a problem if it manifests corruption and selling out the country, toward some ulterior agenda.

In the case of Hillary with the "under fire in Bosnia" anecdote, it's overkill by the media. It's finding the slightest vulnerability on Hillary's part, exploiting it to death, and manufacturing a scandal over nothing. All because this is a way for the media to tip the scales at a crucial point, and manipulate the election result, toward Obama, the candidate they clearly favor.

In some ways, it's similar to calling Florida prematurely for Gore in 2000, and suppressing Republican turnout, when not doing so would have made W.Bush the decisive winner and eliminated all question otherwise.

It resembles the media's jumping on the bandwagon with Dan Rather's false 60 Minutes report in Oct 2004, in an October Surprise calculated to smear Bush days before the election, before he had time to respond and clear his name. And it would have worked, if the incriminating letter wasn't quickly proven a forgery, thanks to bloggers and no thanks at all to the fucking liberal media, who were all too eager to give it a pass and complicitly smear Bush.

The media-wide Hillary bash-fest over her "landing under fire" in Bosnia also resembles the Mark Foley scandal, the Dems' 2006 October Surprise, where they went way beyond unethical pedophile Mark Foley, and relentlessly alleged a wider conspiracy to cover up Foley's flirtations with young boys by the entire Republican leadership. A media-complicit October Surprise that worked, and contrib uted to suppressing Republican voter-support of their own party, and enhanced Democrat victories.

So here we are again with Hillary. Obama is their man, and Hillary clearly is not. And that's why this non-story will be repeated every 10 minutes until she goes down. Maybe the Democrat primary voters wouldn't want Hillary anyway, in an honestly-reported Democrat primary.
But we'll never know, because of the slimy way the Whomods in the media are reporting it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #935409 2008-03-28 6:01 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

When Al Gore was running, he campaigned on the stump and told some guy in the midwest that he knows the farmer's plight because he grew up on a farm, and it turned out he's never lived on a farm. That hardly made a ripple in the news media, because Gore was their man.
And similarly the "invented the internet" thing.

um.. okaaay. Because you heard him he say that he invented the internet? Or did Pat Buchanan write that in one of his books?

In the case of Hillary and landing "under fire" in Bosnia, what does that really have to do with her experience in government or policy she's proposed or supported. It's just as irrelevant as Gore's remarks. Politicians all the time cozy up to voters and try to find ways to show they "understand", that they come from the same background, and that they're "on your side".

In the case of Hillary with the "under fire in Bosnia" anecdote, it's overkill by the media. It's finding the slightest vulnerability on Hillary's part, exploiting it to death, and manufacturing a scandal over nothing. All because this is a way for the media to tip the scales at a crucial point, and manipulate the election result, toward Obama, the candidate they clearly favor. blah blah blah blah. ad naseum.....

um.. because the media repeatedly brought up the being under fire in Bosnia story?

Oh, wait, it was Hillary who repeatedly said this.

Why? Oh yeah, because she wanted to prove her 'commander in chief qualifications and thought this tale of diplomatic derring do and heroism proved something about being more qualified to take calls at 3AM or something or having more composture and guts etc. etc. ...

But of course you, like Hillary try to spin it to absurd levels to where it's the media picking on her because it likes Obama and not because she's a liar padding her resume and not because SHE, not the media made it an issue/reason to be Commander In chief to begin with.

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Bill Clinton is reportedly terrified that Hillary is about to officially lose Texas. You'll recall that the media declared Hillary the winner of Texas before it was actually over. Texas had a primary and a caucus, and Hillary only won the primary. The winner of Texas is decided by adding the delegates from both the primary and the caucus. Come this weekend, we should find out that Obama really won Texas. A NY Daily News reporter accidentally got invited to a private conference call Bill Clinton was holding today with Texas delegates. Seems the campaign is terrified that people may finally figure out this weekend that Hillary lost Texas.

March 27, 2008


Despite winning the popular vote in Texas, Hillary Clinton and her advisers are terrified that they’re about to suffer an Al Gore moment by losing in the pledged delegates race to Barack Obama beginning with county conventions on Saturday.

Enter Bill Clinton in a conference call this afternoon to cajole the rank and file to keep fighting for his wife.

“A race this close, every delegate counts,” the former president said in a hasty call with 960 Austin Dems who are backing her, which The Mouth of the Potomac listened to. “The turnout could literally give Hillary the support she needs to win the nomination.”

“We can still win this thing. We’re going to have a big victory in Pennsylvania. It’s going to change the psychology even further, but we need your help,” Clinton said.

About 88,000 county delegates will meet statewide in Texas on Saturday to thin the herd going on to the state convention, where they will divvy up 67 caucus delegates between Clinton and Obama, in addition to the 126 primary delegates already decided.

“I just have to ask you to try one more time to make sure we get the most out of our efforts to get as many of these 67 delegates as we can,” a seemingly exasperated Bill Clinton said in the call. “We just can’t sit it out or stay home - we cannot get tired.”

Clinton said that while his wife has done great in big primary states, “it’s the caucuses that’ve been killing us,” and added that her wins in Texas and Ohio have improved her polling in Pennsylvania and Indiana.


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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Can I borrow your time machine?

I'm cheering the thought of it, not the actuality.

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it seems like only yesterday whomod was crying because bush won the presidency even though he lost the popular vote, or how the times change...

Irwin Schwab #935432 2008-03-28 10:31 AM
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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
it seems like only yesterday whomod was crying because bush won the presidency even though he lost the popular vote, or how the times change...

It's because it isn't about the principle but getting what you want I suppose.

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Michael Reagan, eldest son of the Gipper:

  • I'm indebted to Hillary Clinton for the revelation that my global wanderings when my dad was president qualify me to run for the presidency myself.

    Mrs. Clinton has been insisting that her global junkets as first lady, and her meetings with foreign leaders, qualify her to be president of these United States.

    I never thought of it that way, but if she is correct then I am eminently qualified to follow my father's footsteps and take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., not merely as a member of the president's family, but as president in my own right.

the G-man #935465 2008-03-28 3:53 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Michael Reagan, eldest son of the Gipper:

  • I'm indebted to Hillary Clinton for the revelation that my global wanderings when my dad was president qualify me to run for the presidency myself.

    Mrs. Clinton has been insisting that her global junkets as first lady, and her meetings with foreign leaders, qualify her to be president of these United States.

    I never thought of it that way, but if she is correct then I am eminently qualified to follow my father's footsteps and take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., not merely as a member of the president's family, but as president in my own right.

I believe those things are worth putting on the resume for the job. I would also say it's far better to have that experience than Obama's. There really seems to be a double standard between the two. He can get away with saying he lived abroad as a young child as a qualification & not much else.

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Hillary in Ireland: "Peace at Last" (TRAILER)

Hillary in Tuzla: The Tale of Bosnian Sniper Fire (TRAILER)

Hillary Clinton. Ready to lie her ass off on day one.

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
it seems like only yesterday whomod was crying because bush won the presidency even though he lost the popular vote, or how the times change...

So was I crying because Bush won the Presidency or because the times change? And considering I joined this board 3 years after the 2000 election, you must have amazing powers to remember that!

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It's because it isn't about the principle but getting what you want I suppose.

Geez. Demoralized already?

BTW, it's all about the principle. Do I want a candidate that's selling hope or do I want the one who's selling lies? Do I want the candidate I can believe or do i want the one who's rhetoric has rarely matched her record.

whomod #935530 2008-03-28 7:19 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
So was I crying because Bush won the Presidency or because the times change? And considering I joined this board 3 years after the 2000 election, you must have amazing powers to remember that!

yes, because youve never dwelled on the past before!

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Sen. Leahy to Sen. Clinton: Give Up
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy is suggesting that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton abandon her White House run.

    The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and six-term Vermont lawmaker said there is no way that Clinton is going to win enough pledged delegates to get the nomination. Leahy told Vermont Public Radio, in a show that aired Thursday, that Clinton ought to withdraw and should be backing Sen. Barack Obama. But Leahy said that’s obviously a decision only Clinton can make.

    In a statement issued Friday, Leahy — who has endorsed Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination — said Obama’s lead appears to be insurmountable and that Obama’s endorsement by U.S. Sen. Bob Casey is the latest sign of how the race is going.

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ironic that a party named after Democracy, doesn't want to see democracy played out....

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Clinton: In the race for the long run

If Hillary Rodham Clinton is feeling heat from pundits and party elders to quit the race and back Barack Obama, you'd never know it from her crowds, energy level and upbeat demeanor on the campaign trail.

"There are millions of reasons to continue this race: people in Pennsylvania, Indiana and North Carolina, and all of the contests yet to come," Clinton told reporters Friday. "This is a very close race and clearly I believe strongly that everyone should have their voices heard and their votes counted."

The former first lady weathered a two-pronged blow Friday, with influential Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr. endorsing Obama and another Senate colleague, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, urging her to step aside. But to hear Clinton tell it, it was just another day in an epic primary battle whose result is still not known.

"I believe a spirited contest is good for the Democratic Party and will strengthen the eventual nominee," she said. "We will have a united party behind whomever that nominee is. ... I look forward to campaigning over the next several months."

Traveling across Indiana, the former first lady was greeted by large, enthusiastic audiences who roared their approval at her proposals to help fix the state's economic challenges.

At events here and in North Carolina on Thursday, Clinton raised the issue of whether she should quit the race, only to have it firmly batted down by her supporters.

"There are some people who are saying, you know, we really ought to end this primary, we just ought to shut it down," she said in Mishawaka, Ind., drawing cries of "No, no!" inside a packed gymnasium.

In Hammond, she compared the state's struggling steel industry to her own efforts to fight the odds.

"I know a little bit about comebacks," she said to cheers. "I know what it's like to be counted down and counted out. But I also know there is nothing that will keep us down if we are determined to keep on."

Yet despite the optimistic talk, there is no doubt that Clinton faces long odds for securing her party's nod.

She trails Obama among pledged delegates and is not expected to close that gap even with a strong showing in the 10 remaining primaries. She also trails in the popular vote and probably cannot close the gap without revotes in Michigan and Florida, whose January primary results were nullified because they broke party rules. Neither state is expected to go through with new contests.

As a result, the so-called "superdelegates" — some 800 elected officials and party insiders who can choose to support any candidate — would risk intraparty rebellion if they backed Clinton.

The New York senator reaffirmed her belief that superdelegates will base their choice on which candidate would make the best president and would have the best chance to beat Republican John McCain in November.

All the more reason to look forward to Pennsylvania's primary April 22, Indiana and North Carolina's May 6 and the handful of others that follow, Clinton insisted.

"There will be additional information that will inform those decisions that will come from these upcoming contests," she said.

Dismissing concerns raised by Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean that a prolonged contest would demoralize the party base, Clinton pointed to a recent surge in voter registration and turnout in Pennsylvania. Democratic registration went up by 4 percent in the state this year, while it declined 1 percent among Republicans.

"Both Senator Obama and I have brought millions of new people into the process," she said. "People are registering to vote for him and to vote for me. They're part now of the Democratic Party."

Asked what she thought of Obama's comment Friday that the Democratic primary race resembled "a good movie that lasted about a half-hour too long," Clinton smiled broadly and said, "I like long movies."

whomod =

Irwin Schwab #935600 2008-03-28 10:40 PM
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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
ironic that a party named after Democracy, doesn't want to see democracy played out....

Perhaps the party needs to learn a lesson the hard way. We're just lucky it's McCain running.

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
ironic that a party named after Democracy, doesn't want to see democracy played out....

The problem for the Democrat party is that an argument can be made that, no matter who gets the nomination, democracy can't get played out since the voters (or even the state delegates) won't decide the race, the super-delegates will.

Personally, I think Obama has a better claim to a legitimate victory at this point since most of Hillary's strategies involve either changing the rules (ex: Michigan and Florida) or getting the superdelegates to vote in a manner inconsistent with the results thus far. Just winning primaries won't be enough for her at this point.

At the same time, if Hillary can convince the superdelegates to vote for her over Obama, that's her legal right. However, this is the same Hillary that was whining about how unfair the electoral college was after 2000, simply because it obeyed the law and voted for Bush over Gore. It's also the same Hillary who has been very involved in setting up these rules, going all the way back to 1972, when she was a DNC lawyer.

In short, you have two candidates whose backers have spent the last eight years whining about stolen elections that weren't and voter fraud that wasn't. They're just so conditioned to cry "fraud" that, no matter who wins, half the party is going complain.

Irwin Schwab #935608 2008-03-28 10:50 PM
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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Asked what she thought of Obama's comment Friday that the Democratic primary race resembled "a good movie that lasted about a half-hour too long," Clinton smiled broadly and said, "I like long movies."

whomod =

Obama is one arrogant man. He just barely learned where the rest rooms are in the senate & now he's complaining that he hasn't been coronated yet. Nice answer by Hillary. She's also been asking democrats not to bolt to McCain if their favorite doesn't win. I don't see much from Obama in this way. He's said things about his voters won't vote for her. His wife has to think about supporting Hillary if she's the nominee. Feh!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Asked what she thought of Obama's comment Friday that the Democratic primary race resembled "a good movie that lasted about a half-hour too long," Clinton smiled broadly and said, "I like long movies."

whomod =

Obama is one arrogant man. He just barely learned where the rest rooms are in the senate & now he's complaining that he hasn't been coronated yet. Nice answer by Hillary. She's also been asking democrats not to bolt to McCain if their favorite doesn't win. I don't see much from Obama in this way. He's said things about his voters won't vote for her. His wife has to think about supporting Hillary if she's the nominee. Feh!

He's spent just about the same amount of time in the Senate that Hillary has.

Or did she have a 15 years heads up on finding those restrooms. While ducking from sniper fire?

whomod #935615 2008-03-28 11:06 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it: neither has as good a record as McCain. Both Democrats have short terms in the Senate and minimal experience prior to that. One was a member of the state legislature who hung out in a racist church and the other pretended to dodge imaginary sniper fire while looking the other way as her husband fucked fat chicks.

whomod #935616 2008-03-28 11:09 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Asked what she thought of Obama's comment Friday that the Democratic primary race resembled "a good movie that lasted about a half-hour too long," Clinton smiled broadly and said, "I like long movies."

whomod =

Obama is one arrogant man. He just barely learned where the rest rooms are in the senate & now he's complaining that he hasn't been coronated yet. Nice answer by Hillary. She's also been asking democrats not to bolt to McCain if their favorite doesn't win. I don't see much from Obama in this way. He's said things about his voters won't vote for her. His wife has to think about supporting Hillary if she's the nominee. Feh!

He's spent just about the same amount of time in the Senate that Hillary has.

Or did she have a 15 years heads up on finding those restrooms. While ducking from sniper fire?

Obama hasn't even finished a term in the senate yet. Hillary's on her second. She of course already knows where everything is in the White House

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the G-man #935617 2008-03-28 11:11 PM
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in Obama's defense he was present for 100's of votes:

the G-man #935619 2008-03-28 11:20 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it: neither has as good a record as McCain. Both Democrats have short terms in the Senate and minimal experience prior to that. One was a member of the state legislature who hung out in a racist church and the other pretended to dodge imaginary sniper fire while looking the other way as her husband fucked fat chicks.

Your point is moot though. Whomod doesn't require Obama to have any experience while I require at least a completed senate term. I view McCain's added experience as a plus but the race isn't just about who has the most expeience. The key question is who has enough experience IMHO. I would say McCain & Hillary do while Obama doesn't.

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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It's wrapping up and now this idea is being floated

Hillary’s Consolation Prize?

Some Dems float the New York Statehouse as an option.

Some Democrats terrified that their bloody primary campaign will doom them in November are floating a consolation prize for Hillary Clinton: governor of New York.

The travails of New York Gov. David Paterson have opened up a new potential career path for Clinton, according to well-informed Democratic Party insiders who refused to allow their names to be used when discussing contingencies. They want her to consider the option if she concludes after the April 22 Pennsylvania primary that she cannot overtake Barack Obama for the party's presidential nomination. Hillary Clinton, while fully committed to continuing her presidential campaign, was said to be open to discussing the idea, while Bill Clinton rejected it out of hand.

With former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani now reported by the New York Post to be weighing a race for governor, voters could see a Clinton-Giuliani matchup after all....

You can't stop the momentum. Maybe what Hillary needs some 'Joementum' as her VP choice seeing as how they're both cut from the same DLC and petulant bad sport cloth.

whomod #935629 2008-03-28 11:37 PM
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Hillary Clinton, while fully committed to continuing her presidential campaign, was said to be open to discussing the idea, while Bill Clinton rejected it out of hand.

Bill might have considered it, but Spitzer didn't leave the secret hotline number to the escort service behind.

But, seriously, why would Hillary want to be Governor over Senator? Isn't Senator generally considered the more prestigious position of the two? Also, you only have to run every six years, instead of four.

whomod #935631 2008-03-28 11:41 PM
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Whomod if it was really over, you & other Obama supporters wouldn't be so busy these days trying to push Hillary out. If Obama believed that he wouldn't have gone super negative the last couple of weeks. The "winner" is still probably going to lose the next big state. It's a funny thing how Obama momentum works. It kinda stops when it gets to a big state.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Whomod if it was really over, you & other Obama supporters wouldn't be so busy these days trying to push Hillary out. If Obama believed that he wouldn't have gone super negative the last couple of weeks. The "winner" is still probably going to lose the next big state. It's a funny thing how Obama momentum works. It kinda stops when it gets to a big state.

Saying that Hillary is better qualified to take on John McCain because of her performance in those states only makes sense if (a) you believe that the people who voted for Clinton in the primaries will not vote for Obama in the general election, and (b) you believe that no Democrat can win the traditionally red states (that is the old LOSING DLC strategy BTW as opposed to Howard Dean's successful "50 state strategy" which Obama and the new Democrats seems to be employing) . In fact, Hillary has mostly been winning the traditionally blue states —places like New York, California, Massachusetts and New Jersey —that are going to go blue in November anyway, no matter who is running on the Republican ticket. And even in the states Hillary has won, it has been registered Democrats, not swing voters, who have carried her to victory, while Obama has dominated her in virtually every contest among registered independents. Even in her home state of New York, Obama whipped Hillary among independents by fifteen percent. In Missouri, that margin was twenty-eight percent. In California? Thirty percent.

Obama, meanwhile, has performed extraordinarily well in traditionally red states like Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina. And sure, some of that is due to the black vote. But all of his victories have been marked by two things: larger-than-usual turnout and routs among independents, leading to the large number of blowout wins that are basically responsible for his delegate lead at the moment. On Super Tuesday, Hillary won sixty percent of the vote in only one contest, Bill's home state of Arkansas. Obama won seven states by that margin or more.

In other words, Hillary is winning the Democratic voters who are going to vote Democratic anyway. Obama is bringing in new voters, and he's winning large numbers of swing voters in red states.

whomod #935641 2008-03-28 11:56 PM
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yes we all know what a successful Presidential election strategist Howard Dean is!

whomod #935643 2008-03-29 12:02 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Whomod if it was really over, you & other Obama supporters wouldn't be so busy these days trying to push Hillary out. If Obama believed that he wouldn't have gone super negative the last couple of weeks. The "winner" is still probably going to lose the next big state. It's a funny thing how Obama momentum works. It kinda stops when it gets to a big state.

Saying that Hillary is better qualified to take on John McCain because of her performance in those states only makes sense...

I wasn't aware that was what I was saying. I thought I was commenting on Obama's momentum that gets hyped alot but seems to start & stop. Perhaps we define momentum differently?

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Whomod if it was really over, you & other Obama supporters wouldn't be so busy these days trying to push Hillary out. If Obama believed that he wouldn't have gone super negative the last couple of weeks. The "winner" is still probably going to lose the next big state. It's a funny thing how Obama momentum works. It kinda stops when it gets to a big state.

Saying that Hillary is better qualified to take on John McCain because of her performance in those states only makes sense...

I wasn't aware that was what I was saying. I thought I was commenting on Obama's momentum that gets hyped alot but seems to start & stop. Perhaps we define momentum differently?

No, you were using Hillary's talking point that she can win the big pivotal states. I showed you just why that is sort of a BS argument.

whomod #935682 2008-03-29 3:09 AM
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So when I started out by responding to your post about "you can't stop the momentum" (Obama's talking point btw) referring directly to how Obama's momentum isn't really momentum, that was what? Verbal trickery on my part?

Perhaps you felt the need to insert the Obama spin on how he wins Idaho & even though he can't win CA or NY against Hillary he has the independents! (at least till they pick McCain over him in the general) You could have just done a post saying that instead of pimping my post Whomod.

Fair play!
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