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So when I started out by responding to your post about "you can't stop the momentum" (Obama's talking point btw) referring directly to how Obama's momentum isn't really momentum, that was what? Verbal trickery on my part? Yeah, you started out with that and rebutted it with a comment about how he can't win the big states. I can't comment on that? Perhaps you felt the need to insert the Obama spin on how he wins Idaho & even though he can't win CA or NY against Hillary he has the independents! (at least till they pick McCain over him in the general) You could have just done a post saying that instead of pimping my post Whomod. I posted that it's irrelevant. The Democrats will unite against John McCain. Even Hillary was urging her supporters to do just that yesterday. which I applaud her for doing. Obama did the same thing as well. Frankly I think all this "my candidate or else" is just heated talk and emotion. Despite the Clinton's mixed messages with Hillary calling for party unity and Bill praising McCain at the same time. Someone is really going to have to sit down with Bill because it seemed that he's more interested in power at all costs than Hillary, based on these events yesterday. and it's hurting Hillary's slim chances among Democrats even more than they already are. The independent and new voters that Obama has inspired to join in on the process however are not something that are going to carry over with pleas of party unity. These new folks aern't party people or even political people. That phenomena is directly on account of the candidate.
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theyll stick around just like the new howard dean democrats did in the 2004 election right? 
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So when I started out by responding to your post about "you can't stop the momentum" (Obama's talking point btw) referring directly to how Obama's momentum isn't really momentum, that was what? Verbal trickery on my part? Yeah, you started out with that and rebutted it with a comment about how he can't win the big states. I can't comment on that? Of course you can but it was just done leaving me feel like what I said was changed. My point was that you can stop the momentum, that it has been stopped. In fact if Obama actually had momentum he wouldn't need to try to push Hillary out of the race. Perhaps you felt the need to insert the Obama spin on how he wins Idaho & even though he can't win CA or NY against Hillary he has the independents! (at least till they pick McCain over him in the general) You could have just done a post saying that instead of pimping my post Whomod. I posted that it's irrelevant. The Democrats will unite against John McCain. Even Hillary was urging her supporters to do just that yesterday. which I applaud her for doing. Obama did the same thing as well. Frankly I think all this "my candidate or else" is just heated talk and emotion. [/quote] Obama was only responding to Hillary's push to keep the party united. That is really the best I've seen from him when it comes to party unity. Despite the Clinton's mixed messages with Hillary calling for party unity and Bill praising McCain at the same time. Someone is really going to have to sit down with Bill because it seemed that he's more interested in power at all costs than Hillary, based on these events yesterday. and it's hurting Hillary's slim chances among Democrats even more than they already are.
The independent and new voters that Obama has inspired to join in on the process however are not something that are going to carry over with pleas of party unity. These new folks aern't party people or even political people. That phenomena is directly on account of the candidate. Obama has over the course of the campaign praised republican presidents while panning Clinton's. He just did it again recently concerning the economy. I also hold Obama responsable for his "I'm troubled" comment. When Clinton's fairy tale comment was being taken out of context to imply Clinton was saying Obama couldn't be President was disgusting. Because it benefitted Obama he & his supporters ran with it. You can't get much more divisive than that. So who's doing the win at all cost thing? I also think the Wright stuff combined with the fact that McCain is moderate is going to shift much of those independent voters to support to McCain. It will be interesting to see if there's any difference in the polls showing Obama recovering from Wright & what actually happens in the voting booth with the remaining races left in the nomination process. If he starts underperforming in the remaining states I think it's fair to say he's fucked when it comes to the general election.
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New York Sun: - A Michigan man facing federal criminal charges of illegally working for Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Intelligence Service says he met with Hillary Clinton at the White House in May 1996.
In a 1997 interview Muthanna Hanooti said that at the meeting, Mrs. Clinton was "very receptive" to his request for an easing of the American sanctions on Iraq that were in place at the time. He said Mrs. Clinton "passed a message to the State Department" about the need to implement the oil-for-food deal, which was intended to allow Saddam to sell billions of dollars' worth of oil to pay for food for Iraqi citizens.
Back in 1997, a spokesman for the first lady referred inquiries about the meeting to the National Security Council.
Asked whether Senator Clinton recalls the meeting or whether the presidential campaign had any further comment on the meeting in light of Mr. Hanooti's indictment, the Clinton presidential campaign yesterday offered no formal response.
Strange that Hillary isn't bragging about this foreign policy "experience."
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"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
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yeah, possible ties to saddam hussein are always a vicious and irrelevant personal attack.
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... Strange that Hillary isn't bragging about this foreign policy "experience." This guy also met with people in the Bush administration after Hillary met him so meeting with the guy wasn't a big deal.
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It should also be noted that Hillary may have met the guy years before his criminal activity is alleged to have begun but he didn't contribute to her campaign after meeting her. He did however contribute to some others... Federal Election Commission records show he donated to the campaigns of Mr. Bonior, of President Bush, and of Spencer Abraham, a Republican senator of Michigan who served as Mr. Bush's energy secretary. He also gave to Rep. Tom Campbell, a Republican of California, and to Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat of Michigan.
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FAMILY-LEAVE LEADER BARES HILLARY'S BIG BILL OF GOODS- A senior Democratic lawmaker blew a hole through Hillary Rodham Clinton's claim that she helped pass critical family-leave legislation
Former Rep. William Lacy Clay, a longtime St. Louis politician, says it was senior lawmakers - not the former first lady - who pushed through the measure, which President Bill Clinton signed into law after only 16 days in office.
"If Hillary played a role in its passage, it was without my knowledge," Clay wrote in an e-mail that he circulated.
"All we needed was a president to sign it. The president signed it, and we're grateful for that, but there was no lobbying by him or her."
Clinton, on her campaign Web site, says, "As First Lady, she helped pass the Family and Medical Leave Act."
Clay's e-mail was just the latest in a series of disclosures that have undermined several of Clinton's key claims about the 30 years of experience that she touts on the campaign trail.
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G-man I remember both the Clintons campaigning on the family leave issue. Plus... But former Rep. Pat Schroeder, a strong proponent of the legislation, remembers Hillary Clinton as a "huge" advocate for the proposal during her time as Arkansas first lady and during the 1992 presidential campaign. Once the Clintons were in the White House, Schroeder said, "it was just putting a bow around it at that point. Certainly she had worked very hard the past five years to get it there." In the final days before the 1993 bill won congressional approval, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and President Clinton all went to Capitol Hill for last-minute lobbying, according to news stories from the time. Now in the Senate, Clinton joined Dodd in sponsoring legislation that was enacted this year to expand benefits provided under the family leave law by allowing the families of wounded military personnel to take up to six months of unpaid leave to care for loved ones. As a presidential candidate, she has called for extending unpaid family leave to an additional 13 million workers and spending $1 billion a year on paid leave programs.
Associated Press
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Hillary's Sub-Prime Issue: As Clinton talks about nation's housing crunch, her campaign manager sits on board of bankrupt sub-prime lender.
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Not sure how her campaign manager sitting on a board makes it Hillary's mess?
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Results are coming in from the Texas County Conventions. The next step of the delegate selection is underway in Texas today. Burnt Orange Report is monitoring the results from the Democratic County Conventions in Texas today -- and doing their usual stellar work. That crew is going to turn Texas blue. The Associated Press reports that there is, of course, Clinton generated controversy. The Clinton campaign's supporters (not the Clinton campaign, wink, wink  ) are challenging delegates. No worries, Terry McAuliffe is on the scene in Texas to make sure it's all under control: Many of the challenges were brought by Clinton supporters questioning the validity of Obama delegates. The Clinton campaign said it wouldn't lodge any challenges itself but that it was helping supporters who would.
Obama was also lodging challenges in some counties regarding the complext formulas used to determine delegate counts, said campaign spokesman Josh Earnest.
"This math gets pretty complicated pretty quickly," he said.
But Earnest said that unlike the Clinton campaign, the Obama campaign wasn't challenging the seating of particular delegates.
"They're engaged in a coordinated strategy to challenge our delegates and we're not," he said. "It's disappointing to see the Clinton campaign throw up these obstacles."
Clinton adviser Terry McAuliffe said Saturday as he drove between Democratic conventions in Georgetown and Waco to rev up Clinton supporters that the Clinton campaign has "not raised any of the challenges. A lot of our supporters have."
The Clinton campaign had previously said it was aiding supporters with legal advice and guidance on their challenges, state party officials said earlier this week. So the campaign is taking a behind-the-scenes approach, using its delegate supporters as the complaint filers, they said. How clever. We're not doing it, our supporters, who we trained, are doing it. That's so...how should/can I say this...that's so Clintonian. TIMESTAMP - 12:00AM, 3/30/07 Clinton Delegates: 2,436 Obama Delegates: 3,107 TOTAL (of 7,649): 5,543 Conventions Reporting (of 284): 133 PERCENT: 46.13% Clinton: 43.95% Obama: 56.05% Total: 72.31%
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Correct me if I'm wrong but Hillary still will probably end up actually having more people who voted for her in Texas. An Obama win via the lesser attended caucus seems like not much of a win IMHO. In the general election there won't be caucuses and Obama will be out of luck.
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Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention She Stresses Finding Solution On Michigan, Florida Votes
By Perry Bacon Jr. and Anne E. Kornblut Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, March 30, 2008; Page A01
NEW ALBANY, Ind., March 29 -- In her most definitive comments to date on the subject, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sought Saturday to put to rest any notion that she will drop out of the presidential race, pledging in an interview to not only compete in all the remaining primaries but also continue until there is a resolution of the disqualified results in Florida and Michigan.
A day after Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean urged the candidates to end the race by July 1, Clinton defied that call by declaring that she will take her campaign all the way to the Aug. 25-28 convention if necessary, potentially setting up the prolonged and divisive contest that party leaders are increasingly anxious to avoid.
"I know there are some people who want to shut this down and I think they are wrong," Clinton said in an interview during a campaign stop here Saturday. "I have no intention of stopping until we finish what we started and until we see what happens in the next 10 contests and until we resolve Florida and Michigan. And if we don't resolve it, we'll resolve it at the convention -- that's what credentials committees are for.
"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us," said the senator from New York. "I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida." ... Washington Post I would say at this point an attempt to push Hillary out of the race early would actually cause damage to the party. There was one recent poll showing that far more Hillary voters will go to McCain than Obama supporters if their candidate doesn't win the nomination.
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But Hillary can't have it both ways. She can't argue that the popular vote should decide the winner and then try to get the nomination through uncommitted superdelegates, can she?
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sometimes you really sound like an idiot.
that would be the "argumentg" behind the superdelagate vote, she won the popular vote therefore she gets the superdelegate endorsement. are you sure you went to law school? i thought there were entrance exams?
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But Hillary can't have it both ways. She can't argue that the popular vote should decide the winner and then try to get the nomination through uncommitted superdelegates, can she? I'm not sure how you can say that G-man. How is Obama not having it both ways? Neither candidate can win without trying to get the support of superdelegates at this point. We passed the point where Obama could secure the magic number of delegates to secure the nomination. The race is just that close. Both will try to make the arguement that hopefully persuades the superdelegates.
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Simmer down, BSAMS. Have your coffee and danish. You're obviously cranky this morning. I'll clarify. As of now, she's behind in the popular vote, and it's likely she'll remain behind. If, in fact, she remains behind in the popular vote then her current argument undercuts her pitch to those superdelegates. Similarly, if she catches up to Obama (in fact, one analysis I read that, at best, she would beat him in the popular vote by "a tenth of one percent." Under either scenario, her current argument, that the superdelegates should follow the popular vote, doesn't give her much of an advantage. The superdelegates would either go with Obama or possibly split down the middle. In either case, she ends up losing to Obama. With this in mind, it doesn't seem like a good argument to me. So, to recap, she seems to be trying to have it both ways: using the "popular vote" argument now even though she'll probably have to abandon it to win the nomination. But, you're right, I was insufficiently detailed in my earlier comment. Sorry about that. And, MEM, you're right. Obama needs the superdelegates too. At this point, however, the popular vote argument favors him. In the end, both candidates would be better off making a pitch to the superdelegates based less on mathmatics and more on the simple of question of "who do you think will best represent the party in November". Because, in the end, that's the point of the nominating process.
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i think she. or obama will have a good argument if they win the popular vote to sway the super delegates.
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So, to recap, she seems to be trying to have it both ways: using the "popular vote" argument now even though she'll probably have to abandon it to win the nomination.
But, you're right, I was insufficiently detailed in my earlier comment. Sorry about that.
And, MEM, you're right. Obama needs the superdelegates too. At this point, however, the popular vote argument favors him.
In the end, both candidates would be better off making a pitch to the superdelegates based less on mathmatics and more on the simple of question of "who do you think will best represent the party in November". Because, in the end, that's the point of the nominating process. The popular vote favors him now but there is still a chance she closes that gap. I think she has to show something mathmatically to win or it won't fly at the convention though. Either way it's still to early to say who will have the popular vote by June. Predictions & what seems inevitable hasn't been dependable in this race. However I'm sure both will be making whatever arguement they can to get superdelegates to support them at the end of the day.
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i think the superdelegates will look at who is more electable in the general election.
there is a lot of time between now and the convention and more could come out about obama or hilary.
hilary is staying in, so that if more of his racist, or muslim past comes out she'll be in position to take the super delegates...
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The popular vote favors him now but there is still a chance she closes that gap. As I said before, however, that only means a statistical tie in the popular vote. If that's the case best case scenario for her, she can't count on the superdelegates supporting her in sufficient numbers to overcome Obama's existing lead. That's why I said she would be better off using a different argument.
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The popular vote favors him now but there is still a chance she closes that gap. As I said before, however, that only means a statistical tie in the popular vote. If that's the case best case scenario for her, she can't count on the superdelegates supporting her in sufficient numbers to overcome Obama's existing lead. That's why I said she would be better off using a different argument. I think for her it would mean more than a statistical tie though because for her to achieve that she has to pick up momentum. Essentially it would present the arguement that the voters ended up choosing Hillary in the end. And while I see where it could be argued that it's essentially tied, I don't think Hillary can win if Obama has the pledged delegates & the popular vote.
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TX Presidential Primary Convention Results TIMESTAMP - 11:10AM, 3/30/08 Clinton Delegates: 2,744 PERCENT: 43.96% Obama Delegates: 3,498 PERCENT: 56.04% TOTAL of 7,649: 6,242 PERCENT: 81.42% Conventions Reporting (of 284): 148 PERCENT: 52.11%
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So MEM? How do you spin this one?
oh, Texas doesn't matter.
Oh. Hillary didn't lose momentum, Obama did!
Oh, Texas is such a small state anyways.... etc. etc.
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that's delegates not popular vote, are you sure you can read english?
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who gives a fuck. Obama still wins Texas.
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you apparently care, you asked MEM how he would spin this, his case all along is Obama cannot win the key Electoriate states, this still proves his point he doesnt have to spin. in the general their isnt any states that give more electorial votes to the loser...
try to keep up....
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Saying that Hillary is better qualified to take on John McCain because of her performance in those [large battleground] states only makes sense if (a) you believe that the people who voted for Clinton in the primaries will not vote for Obama in the general election, and (b) you believe that no Democrat can win the traditionally red states (that is the old LOSING DLC strategy BTW as opposed to Howard Dean's successful "50 state strategy" which Obama and the new Democrats seems to be employing) . In fact, Hillary has mostly been winning the traditionally blue states —places like New York, California, Massachusetts and New Jersey —that are going to go blue in November anyway, no matter who is running on the Republican ticket. And even in the states Hillary has won, it has been registered Democrats, not swing voters, who have carried her to victory, while Obama has dominated her in virtually every contest among registered independents. Even in her home state of New York, Obama whipped Hillary among independents by fifteen percent. In Missouri, that margin was twenty-eight percent. In California? Thirty percent.
Obama, meanwhile, has performed extraordinarily well in traditionally red states like Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina. And sure, some of that is due to the black vote. But all of his victories have been marked by two things: larger-than-usual turnout and routs among independents, leading to the large number of blowout wins that are basically responsible for his delegate lead at the moment. On Super Tuesday, Hillary won sixty percent of the vote in only one contest, Bill's home state of Arkansas. Obama won seven states by that margin or more.
In other words, Hillary is winning the Democratic voters who are going to vote Democratic anyway. Obama is bringing in new voters, and he's winning large numbers of swing voters in red states.
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http://www.burntorangereport.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=5484TX Presidential Primary Convention Results TIMESTAMP - 12:10PM, 3/30/08 Clinton Delegates: 2,790 44.01% Obama Delegates: 3,550 TOTAL of 7,649: 6,340 82.70% Conventions Reporting (of 284): 154 54.23% 
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who gives a fuck. Obama still wins Texas. Since most voters & superdelegates reallize Hillary won the popular vote I would say who gives a fuck if Obama wins the caucus part. Enjoy your dancing Obananas now Whomod because Pennsylvania is coming up & it's not caucus but it's a very big state 
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Yeah. I'm going to be really surprised if Hillary wins that. Since she's been projected to win that state forever already.  And again, this is a delegate race, and has always been a delegate race. Not a popular vote race.
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TX Presidential Primary Convention ResultsTIMESTAMP - 1:10PM, 3/30/08 Clinton Delegates: 2,804 44.05% Obama Delegates: 3,561 55.95% TOTAL of 7,649: 6,365 83.03% Conventions Reporting (of 284): 156 54.93% 
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a ringing endorsement for obama 
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petulance and sarcasm isn't going to help Hillary change reality either.  The results are the results and all you can do is deal with it.  
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do you think i'd have a hard time with the fact that a racist didnt win the popular vote? if anything it reaffirms my belief most americans are against racism...
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petulance and sarcasm isn't going to help Hillary change reality either.  The results are the results and all you can do is deal with it. You may want to reread what the role of a superdelegate is & then talk about changing reality. Pledged delegates became alot less important when it became mathmatically impossable for neither one to win the required amount to gain the nomination. Obama won't win if he loses the popular vote.
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petulance and sarcasm isn't going to help Hillary change reality either.  The results are the results and all you can do is deal with it.  It won't help you change reality either. The bottom line is, neither Hillary or Obama has won the number of delegates to safely walk away with the nomination, so the party could take either Obama or Hillary as the candidate they think is best positioned to win, and no one could credibly argue the rules were broken in selecting either one. Again, I think Hillary is the more tested of the two, and I admire her tenacity. Her unwillingness to just walk away is a strength, and a right she has earned, to get this far. Obama and Hillary aren't far apart, delegate-wise. It aint over till it's over, and no one should be telling her to step down prematurely.
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Hillary's Lesbian Affair with Muslim Aide?- a top level U.S. Department of Justice official is [saying] that Michael Musto’s rumor about Hillary Clinton fooling around with one of her top female aides Huma Abedin is based in reality!
“I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this ‘rumor’ is true,” the official says. “It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item.
“If you call Hillary’s residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone,” the official continues. “Same thing late at night and on the road. It’s a closely guarded secret that Hillary’s inner circle guards at all costs.”
Great. One's a closet Muslim. The other's in the closet with a Muslim.