Obama shouldn't tap Clinton, most Democrats say.

by Mark Silva

That sometimes-touted “dream team’’ of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton doesn’t sit well with most Democrats, if Obama is sitting at the top of the ticket. But, if Clinton is topping the ticket, more like Obama as a running mate.

Just 42 percent of Democrats surveyed nationwide say Clinton should be the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, if Obama wins the party’s nomination. Yet 58 percent say Clinton should tap Obama, should she become the party’s nominee.

The reason for “the disparity,’’ the Gallup Poll reports, “is that a relatively small number of Obama supporters -- just 29 percent --favor Obama choosing Clinton as a possible running mate. Seventy percent say they'd rather he choose someone else. And 55 percent of all the Democrats surveyed say he should choose someone other than Clinton.

In contrast, a majority of Clinton supporters – 53 percent -- would want Clinton to choose Obama for vice president if she is nominated.’’

Similar percentages (a majority of both Clinton and Obama supporters) say they would want their own candidate selected for vice president should the other candidate win the Democratic nomination for president.

1. or "tap that a**." To have sex with somebody. "Hey dawg- I saw you with Katie. Did you tap that a** or what?"

tappable: If someone is tappable, you would have sex with her.

Someone really needs to inform the press on slang words circa the 21st century. Because I'm sure Obama, much less Bill wants to "tap" Hillary anymore.