The advertising campaign stays viral:
The billboards arrived without fanfare or explanation in more than a dozen major cities last May. Bearing two simple catchphrases, "Harvey Dent for district attorney" and "I believe in Harvey Dent," they featured a photo of a stately Dent (imagine Eliot Spitzer with a shock of blond hair) against an American flag.

But within 72 hours, each billboard had been defaced by identical graffiti: The candidate's eyes were scrawled over with black rings, his lips crudely rouged with a smeary, clownlike grin. As well, each of the placards' messages had been altered to read: "I believe in Harvey Dent TOO."


On March 12, a rally for the fictional D.A. candidate was broken up by Chicago police who seemed perplexed by volunteers handing out Harvey Dent bumper stickers, buttons and T-shirts.

n December, followers noted a mysterious countdown on that instructed viewers to travel to 22 real-world addresses in cities from coast to coast to pick up a "very special treat" under the name "Robin Banks" (get it?).

Turns out the addresses were bakeries in possession of cakes bearing phone numbers spelled out in icing. Many of those who called the number recoiled in confusion when the cake in front of them began to ring - cell phones encased in "Gotham City Evidence" bags had been baked inside, each containing a phone charger, Joker paraphernalia and explicit instructions to keep the phone with them at all times. In addition to enlisting the players as the Joker's minions, the devices conveyed invitations to special screenings of newly cut Dark Knight Imax trailers.

"Wow. You really took the cake! Now put the icing on it," the note says.

Here's a Harvey Dent from "Concerned Citizen for a Better Gotham" button sent out in the mail:

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."