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Thanks, whomod. We all had no idea whatsoever that Obama was popular with college students.
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Pun-damentalist nutjob 400+ posts
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Where should conversation on race start? Any suggestions on e- race-ing decades of bad blood between people?
This is not vengeance. This is pun-ishment.
"The goodness of the true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability." — Edgar Allan Poe
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Maybe what you mean is you hate aspects of Irish culture ? Yes. Aside from disliking their culture aesthetically, they proved themselves useless as immigrants. When they first got here, their contributions consisted of little more than gang-violence and thievery. Instead of them actually bringing anything of value into the country, the government actually had to educate them--Which totally defeats the purpose of the Boiling Pot. They were just as bad as the Mexicans are now except they weren't as so hell bent on separatism. Guess what my Irish great great grandparents contributed to American culture after they showed up here....That's right: A brewery. That's really useful. They may have assimilated, but that doesn't mean that actually added anything to America's overall strength. I think the Irish are hardworking and very family-oriented, and have many other positive aspects That's what people keep trying to tell me about the Mexican illegals who're destroying California's economy! The difference between Irish immigrants and the Mexican immigrants, is that back then there was pressure for the Irish to assimilate, to the point that they became productive Americans in the generations that followed. Whereas pressure for Mexicans to assimilate is branded as "racism". Plus there are far more Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal) than there ever were of the Irish. Or for that matter, of Irish, Italian, German, Polish, Russians and Jewish immigrants combined. I have nothing against Mexicans who fully embrace our culture, assimilate, and become productive Americans. Only with those who advocate or are sympathetic to breaking our laws, and have a first loyalty to Mexico or hispanic subculture rather than the United States. In which case, they belong in Mexico.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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It's touching the way you can love your man, despite his deceitful ultraliberal voting record, despite his more than 100 "present" votes (not yes or no) to try and hide his hardcore liberalism on abortion and other issues, despite his 17 years of taking contributions and trading favors with Tony Rezko, despite his closet anti-Americanism and islamic loyalties. One might even get the impression you're, I don't know, partisan or something.
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With all due respect, since whomod's an unabashed liberal, why shouldn't he love Obama for an ultraliberal voting record and anti-Americanism?
I've never seen whomod try to hide what he is or what Obama is (at least in terms of their leftist views).
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The article you linked to states the following: - We live by a Constitution that began, "We the People," but declared black slaves worth only three-fifths as much as whites. From the Lincoln-Douglas faceoffs of 1858, which focused largely on what to do about slavery, to the most recent debate over renewing the Voting Rights Act, the rift over race and what to do about it has defined us.
Not only is this editorializing, it is historically obtuse. The Constitution's three-fifths provision, which applied to the decennial census, was not an evaluation of the "worth" of enslaved blacks. It was a compromise between representatives of slave states, who wanted to count slaves as full persons, and those from free states, who didn't want to count slaves at all. This obviously was not because slavers had a greater appreciation for the humanity of slaves. It was because they wanted to increase their representation in Congress by using slaves to inflate their states' official populations. Had they prevailed, it would have been even harder than it was to abolish slavery. So, perhaps, the conversation on race should start with some historical accuracy, and not biased editorializing.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Honey, I shrunk your momentum. Sen. Barack Obama has won the overall delegate race in Texas thanks to a strong showing in Democratic county conventions this past weekend.
Obama picked up seven of nine outstanding delegates, giving him a total of 99 Texas delegates to the party's national convention this summer. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the other two, giving her a total of 94 Texas delegates, according to an analysis of returns by The Associated Press. 
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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ouch... MEM, tha's gotta hurt... Obama wins most Texas delegates39 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama has won the overall delegate race in Texas thanks to a strong showing in Democratic county conventions this past weekend.
Obama picked up seven of nine outstanding delegates, giving him a total of 99 Texas delegates to the party's national convention this summer. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the other two, giving her a total of 94 Texas delegates, according to an analysis of returns by The Associated Press.
Texas Democrats held both a presidential primary and caucus. Clinton narrowly won the popular vote in the state's primary March 4, earning her 65 national convention delegates to Obama's 61.
Precinct caucuses began immediately after polls closed primary night and quickly devolved into chaos in many parts of the state because of an unprecedented turnout of more than 1 million Democrats. The state party was never able to provide complete results from the caucuses, which is why the AP withheld nine delegates.
The precinct caucuses elected delegates to about 280 county and state senate district conventions on Saturday. The AP awarded the remaining delegates based on results from Saturday's conventions, showing Obama with about 58 percent of vote, compared to 42 percent for Clinton.
Obama won 38 delegates through the caucus/convention system, and Clinton won 29.
The final delegate allocation will be decided at the party's state convention June 6-7, and the numbers could change if either campaign is unable to maintain the level of support they had over the weekend.
Obama leads the overall race for the Democratic nomination with 1,631 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as superdelegates. Clinton has 1,501, according to the latest AP tally. Supporters display signs during the Travis County Democratic convention Saturday, March 29, 2008, in Austin, Texas. Texas Democrats convened to divide caucus delegates between hopefulsl candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's the next stage of Texas' delegate system that culminates at the state Democratic convention in June. (AP]
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With all due respect, since whomod's an unabashed liberal, why shouldn't he love Obama for an ultraliberal voting record and anti-Americanism?
I've never seen whomod try to hide what he is or what Obama is (at least in terms of their leftist views). Well, obviously Whomod is a liberal and doesn't have a problem with these things. But it doesn't seem to bother Whomod that Obama is trying to hide his quantifiable liberalism behind deceitful moderate-sounding rhetoric. It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama received donations and, by the sweetheart deal on his home alone, in a joint real-estate purchase with Tony Rezko's wife for $300,000 below market value, that he clearly was very friendly with the indicted slumlord, and collaboratively traded a few favors. It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama lies about his islamic loyalties, and could be an islamic Manchurian Candidate. It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama evades questions about his voting record, in order to appear more moderate to American voters, and thus pull the wool over their eyes and get Obama elected as a moderate, something he clearly isn't. Any deceit is tolerable to Whomod, if it gets Obama elected. Allowing Whomod to gloat endlessly about a minor shift of delegates in Texas, that far from decides the election.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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It doesn't bother Whomod that Obama lies about his islamic loyalties, and could be an islamic Manchurian Candidate.
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So you admit it then?
That you partisanly lie to support a liar?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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I admit that your freaky conspiracy theories are amusing.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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FactCheck.org: - In a new ad, Obama says, "I don’t take money from oil companies."
Technically, that's true, since a law that has been on the books for more than a century prohibits corporations from giving money directly to any federal candidate. But that doesn’t distinguish Obama from his rivals in the race.
We find the statement misleading: - Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.
- Two of Obama's bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.
In other words, Obama says he does not receive money from Oil companies, but neither do McCain or Clinton, because it's not permitted under campaign law anyway. So his ad claim is silly and pointless. He does receive money from oil company executives and employees, totaling $213,000 so far, but he won't tell you that. Whoopsie. BTW: I'm sure that whomod will, in a moment, dig up a donation that McCain or Hillary got from someone in the oil industry and, you know what, I don't care. Neither of them is putting out ads claiming otherwise.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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FactCheck.org: - In a new ad, Obama says, "I don’t take money from oil companies."
Technically, that's true, since a law that has been on the books for more than a century prohibits corporations from giving money directly to any federal candidate. But that doesn’t distinguish Obama from his rivals in the race.
We find the statement misleading: - Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.
- Two of Obama's bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.
In other words, Obama says he does not receive money from Oil companies, but neither do McCain or Clinton, because it's not permitted under campaign law anyway. So his ad claim is silly and pointless. He does receive money from oil company executives and employees, totaling $213,000 so far, but he won't tell you that. Whoopsie. BTW: I'm sure that whomod will, in a moment, dig up a donation that McCain or Hillary got from someone in the oil industry and, you know what, I don't care. Neither of them is putting out ads claiming otherwise. Campaign ads that exagerate records are a given. This however would normally be damaging for a candidate who's running the type of campaign Obama is running. He's all about not being that typical Washington insider, that he's something better. Yet I doubt this bit of reallity will register even in the slightest to Obama supporters. He's something like Santa to them & their not listning to anything that messes with that.
Fair play!
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Campaign ads that exagerate records are a given. This however would normally be damaging for a candidate who's running the type of campaign Obama is running. He's all about not being that typical Washington insider, that he's something better. Yet I doubt this bit of reallity will register even in the slightest to Obama supporters. He's something like Santa to them & their not listning to anything that messes with that.
When did you become so cynical and bitter? Oh, that's right when Obama finally got his campaign revved up and Hillary began her long downward spiral. People like hope. It's why the Kennedy's are American royalty, it's why the GOP thinks Reagan was akin to the 2nd coming of Jesus, and it's why Obama is trouncing Clinton right now. And to dismiss it so snidely I guess is why you're still in Hilary's camp watching history pass her by.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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of course he's backed by big oil, Iran is full of that stuff!
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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There is the hope people face with the unknown & then there is the type people have for Obama. He just did the type of ad I've come to expect from any politician & the fact checker also exposed that he actually rakes in more from the people he says are influencing the other candidates. Ignoring that type of stuff isn't being hopeful but something else.
Fair play!
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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 I wonder if Obama's tapped this ass yet?
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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You again take my words out of context, Whomod. To use your vulgar slang definition of "tap"...
I wonder if Obama's tapped this ass yet. It was you who brought up the "tap that ass" slang phrase, I just responded to it.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Associated Press: - Barack Obama’s campaign is angrily denying a bombshell report that his name and private cell phone number are in the little black book of Washington madam Kristin Davis.
 Obama, the current Democratic party frontrunner, is listed as a $1000.00 client of brothel Maison de L'Amour.
His name is one of more than 2,000 on a computer spreadsheet, detailing Davis' X-rated operations, obtained by The Associated Press.
In a written statement, Obama denied using Davis' services, but admitted that the two were “acquaintances.”
"This assertion is false and defamatory," Obama said. "I was never a client of Ms. Davis, nor of any prostitute."
“It is true that Ms. Davis and I know each other,” the Senator noted. “However, our relationship is strictly professional.”
“She was, like many other Americans, deeply concerned about the direction of our nation and contacted my campaign to offer assistance.”
Maison de L'Amour was the madam's high-end prostitution service, farming hookers out to D.C. hotels for $1000.00 dates.
Some of the johns on the client list had notes next to their names with their credit card numbers, preferences or cancellations. There was nothing next to Obama's name and number - just a note that the price was $1000.00 cash.
Obama's name was one of the most prominent on Davis' client list, which listed $1.1 million in business.
Some in the Obama campaign say that the timing of this latest report is the work of the Clinton camp.
“It can’t be a coincidence that this latest smear comes out at the same time more and more prominent Democrats are calling on Mrs. Clinton to end the race,” noted Obama spokesperson Josh Earnest. “First we had the leaked photographs to Drudge of the Senator in his traditional Kenyan garb, now we have this.”
Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson denied that charge.
“To our knowledge, Senator Obama has never paid for sex,” Wolfson said. “Obviously, we can’t know who the source for this information is at this point. However, you have my assurances that neither I nor Senator Clinton took it upon us to send this information to the press.”
Davis, 32, was arrested this week and charged with running a high-end prostitution ring that raked in millions with hookers in Washington, California and Pennsylvania. She's being held on $2 million bail.
Oh my god Allah, this is great. First Spitzer, now Barack Hussein Obama. Heh. I wonder if this is Bill’s doing? After all, if there’s a guy who’d know how to enlist the services of a hooker in a set up… Poor whomod will probably have a stroke.
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“It is true that Ms. Davis and I know each other,” the Senator noted. “However, our relationship is strictly professional.”
A "strictly professional relationship" with a prostitute madam ? Brilliant!
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Why would he consider it "defamatory?" It's just sex right?
No need for denials Osama.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Associated Press: - Barack Obama’s campaign is angrily denying a bombshell report that his name and private cell phone number are in the little black book of Washington madam Kristin Davis.
 Obama, the current Democratic party frontrunner, is listed as a $1000.00 client of brothel Maison de L'Amour.
His name is one of more than 2,000 on a computer spreadsheet, detailing Davis' X-rated operations, obtained by The Associated Press.
In a written statement, Obama denied using Davis' services, but admitted that the two were “acquaintances.”
"This assertion is false and defamatory," Obama said. "I was never a client of Ms. Davis, nor of any prostitute."
“It is true that Ms. Davis and I know each other,” the Senator noted. “However, our relationship is strictly professional.”
“She was, like many other Americans, deeply concerned about the direction of our nation and offered contacted my campaign to offer assistance.”
Maison de L'Amour was the madam's high-end prostitution service, farming hookers out to D.C. hotels for $1000.00 dates.
Some of the johns on the client list had notes next to their names with their credit card numbers, preferences or cancellations. There was nothing next to Obama's name and number - just a note that the price was $1000.00 cash.
Obama's name was one of the most prominent on Davis' client list, which listed $1.1 million in business.
Some in the Obama campaign say that the timing of this latest report is the work of the Clinton camp.
“It can’t be a coincidence that this latest smear comes out at the same time more and more prominent Democrats are calling on Mrs. Clinton to end the race,” noted Obama spokesperson Josh Earnest. “First we had the leaked photographs to Drudge of the Senator in his traditional Kenyan garb, now we have this.”
Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson denied that charge.
“To our knowledge, Senator Obama has never paid for sex,” Wolfson said. “Obviously, we can’t know who the source for this information is at this point. However, you have my assurances that neither I nor Senator Clinton took it upon us to send this information to the press.”
Davis, 32, was arrested this week and charged with running a high-end prostitution ring that raked in millions with hookers in Washington, California and Pennsylvania. She's being held on $2 million bail.
Oh my god Allah, this is great. First Spitzer, now Barack Hussein Obama. Heh. I wonder if this is Bill’s doing? After all, if there’s a guy who’d know how to enlist the services of a hooker in a set up… Poor whomod will probably have a stroke. in Obama's defense Bill has never been accused of having sex with anyone that looked good enough to charge!
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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Charge to keep her mouth shut afterwards, maybe.
And, yeah, that chick in the pic is way above Bill's usual suspects.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson denied that charge.
“To our knowledge, Senator Obama has never paid for sex,” Wolfson said. “Obviously, we can’t know who the source for this information is at this point. However, you have my assurances that neither I nor Senator Clinton took it upon us to send this information to the press.”
It's funny how this was phrased almost exactly like Hillary's “I-have-no-reason-to-believe-he-is-a-Muslim” (wink wink) response on 60 Minutes. Plus Wolfson only exonerates himself and Hilary Clinton from circulating this rumour. As if only the two of them are the entirety of the Clinton campaign. Well, see how far back this comes to Hillary's doorstep. Much like a lot of the rest of this 'destroy at all costs' garbage that's been percolating these past months in the media. It must kill Hillary to try so hard to smear someone and only to meet a teflon candidate.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Appropo of nothing, didn't the 9/11 hijackers hang out in strip clubs? Could there be some hypocrisy in the psyche of pious Muslims (appropo of nothing, of course)?
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Unbreakable 3000+ posts
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The Butcher's speech, when quoted by you, reflects self-hatred pretty much the same way Obama's Freudian slip of the tongue. First of all: I'm not ashamed of being white. I hate the Irish. Second of all: Obama's not white. He's bred from a white mother. There's a difference. Thirdly: Obama has, himself, made it clear that he is, more significantly, a black person. Notice how he waited till the last minute to try and empathize with voters through describing Caucasian family members. Lastly: Just because I resent my heritage, that doesn't mean I all of a sudden identify with other self-loathers. This isn't some kinda fellowship where someone's able to claim hypocrisy. The overall point here is that Obama's trying to run for president and he's typifying about 60% of America's population. This is moreso about racism than it is about "self-hatred." 
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
Rack MisterJLA!
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Nice attempt at deflection, whomod, but we're all still laughing at the fact you didn't realize that article about Obama's hooker was an April Fool's joke.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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ah... I guess that's what I get for not checking up on it or even clicking the link..  Color me beet red. And no commie quips...
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf'
If characters from "The Hills" were to emote about race, I imagine it would sound like B. Hussein Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father." Has anybody read this book? Inasmuch as the book reveals Obama to be a flabbergasting lunatic, I gather the answer is no. Obama is about to be our next president: You might want to take a peek. If only people had read "Mein Kampf" ...
Nearly every page -- save the ones dedicated to cataloguing the mundane details of his life -- is bristling with anger at some imputed racist incident. The last time I heard this much race-baiting invective I was ... in my usual front-row pew, as I am every Sunday morning, at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
Obama tells a story about taking two white friends from the high school basketball team to a "black party." Despite their deep-seated, unconscious hatred of blacks, the friends readily accepted. At the party, they managed not to scream the N-word, but instead "made some small talk, took a couple of the girls out on the dance floor."
But with his racial hair-trigger, Obama sensed the whites were not comfortable because "they kept smiling a lot." And then, in an incident reminiscent of the darkest days of the Jim Crow South ... they asked to leave after spending only about an hour at the party! It was practically an etiquette lynching!
So either they hated black people with the hot, hot hate of a thousand suns, or they were athletes who had come to a party late, after a Saturday night basketball game.
In the car on the way home, one of the friends empathizes with Obama, saying: "You know, man, that really taught me something. I mean, I can see how it must be tough for you and Ray sometimes, at school parties ... being the only black guys and all."
And thus Obama felt the cruel lash of racism! He actually writes that his response to his friend's perfectly lovely remark was: "A part of me wanted to punch him right there." Listen, I don't want anybody telling Obama about Bill Clinton's "I feel your pain" line.
Wanting to punch his white friend in the stomach was the introductory anecdote to a full-page psychotic rant about living by "the white man's rules." (One rule he missed was: "Never punch out your empathetic white friend after dragging him to a crappy all-black party.")
Obama's gaseous disquisition on the "white man's rules" leads to this charming crescendo: "Should you refuse this defeat and lash out at your captors, they would have a name for that, too, a name that could cage you just as good. Paranoid. Militant. Violent. Nigger."
For those of you in the "When is Obama gonna play the 'N-word' card?" pool, the winner is ... Page 85! Congratulations!
When his mother expresses concern about Obama's high school friend being busted for drugs, Obama says he patted his mother's hand and told her not to worry.
This, too, prompted Obama to share with his readers a life lesson on how to handle white people: "It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved -- such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
First of all, I note that this technique seems to be the basis of Obama's entire presidential campaign. But moreover -- he was talking about his own mother! As Obama says: "Any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning." Say, do you think a white person who said that about blacks would be a leading presidential candidate?
The man is stark bonkersville.
He says the reason black people keep to themselves is that it's "easier than spending all your time mad or trying to guess whatever it was that white folks were thinking about you."
Here's a little inside scoop about white people: We're not thinking about you. Especially WASPs. We think everybody is inferior, and we are perfectly charming about it.
In college, Obama explains to a girl why he was reading Joseph Conrad's 1902 classic, "Heart of Darkness": "I read the book to help me understand just what it is that makes white people so afraid. Their demons. The way ideas get twisted around. I helps me understand how people learn to hate."
By contrast, Malcolm X's autobiography "spoke" to Obama. One line in particular "stayed with me," he says. "He spoke of a wish he'd once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged."
Forget Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- Wright is Booker T. Washington compared to this guy
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Obama: I'd hire GoreBy DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer Posted Wed Apr 2, 2008 1:22pm PDT Former Vice President Al Gore discusses the First Amendment and the Internet during an event called 'Accuracy, Privacy and the World Wide Web: The First Amendment and the Internet' held at Middle Tennessee State University, Thursday, March 27, 2008, in Murfreesboro, Tenn. (AP Photo/Bill Waugh)WALLINGFORD, Pa. - Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday he would give Al Gore, a Nobel prize winner, a major role in an Obama administration to address the problem of global warming.
At a town-hall meeting, Obama was asked if he would tap the former vice president for his Cabinet to handle global warming.
"I would," Obama said. "Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues, but climate change is real. It is something we have to deal with now, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now."
Since leaving the White House, Gore has gone on to become one of the world's leading voices for combating the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. His work earned him a share of the Nobel last year.
Popular among Democrats, Gore is perhaps the single most coveted endorsement up for grabs in the long-running competition between Obama and rival Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The relationship between Gore and the Clintons became strained after Gore limited Bill Clinton's campaigning on his behalf in the 2000 presidential race which elected George W. Bush. It'll be interesting to see what sort of meltdown Bill has when Gore endorses Obama. Seeing as how he's regularly talking with Obama already, I don't see how an endorsement is too far a stretch. Especially as how I've not heard of him providing the same services to the Clinton campaign.
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Gore will probably continue to not endorse either candidate IMHO. By not doing so it keeps him above all the negative stuff from both campaigns & doesn't mess with his work.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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by work, he means bilking the working poor out of jobs....
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Obama’s Support Softens in Poll, Suggesting a Peak Has Passed
By ADAM NAGOURNEY and MEGAN THEE Published: April 4, 2008
WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama’s support among Democrats nationally has softened over the last month, particularly among men and upper-income voters, as voters have taken a slightly less positive view of him than they did after his burst of victories in February, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
The survey suggests that Mr. Obama, Democrat of Illinois, may have been at something of a peak in February, propelled by a string of primary and caucus victories over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, and that perceptions of him are settling down.
Mr. Obama’s favorability rating among Democratic primary voters has dropped seven percentage points, to 62 percent, since the last Times/CBS News survey, in late February. While that figure is by any measure high, the decline came in a month during which he endured withering attacks from Mrs. Clinton and responded to reports that his former pastor had made politically inflammatory statements from his church’s pulpit in Chicago. ... NYTIMES
Fair play!
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CAMPAIGN '08 Obama cuts into Clinton's superdelegate leadShe trails him in fundraising and in pledged delegates. Now her superdelegate edge has shrunk to 30, from 87 in February. Even some who back her say they might reconsiderBy Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer April 4, 2008 WASHINGTON -- Nearly three weeks remain before the next Democratic primary, but the results are rolling in from another part of the presidential contest -- and they signify trouble for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Democratic Party officials and insiders known as superdelegates are jumping to Barack Obama's camp or signaling that's where they are headed, including such prominent figures as former President Jimmy Carter. Some superdelegates who back Clinton have begun laying out scenarios under which they would abandon her for Obama.
"My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama," Carter told a Nigerian newspaper during a visit to Africa. "As a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for, but I leave you to make that guess."
Clinton trails Obama in fundraising and in the total number of delegates awarded in state primaries and caucuses. One bright spot for her campaign had been the quest for superdelegates -- the nearly 800 elected officials and Democratic activists who are not bound by election results and are free to vote at the party's nominating convention for the candidate of their choice.
Because neither Clinton nor Obama may emerge from the primary season with enough elected delegates to lock down the nomination, the endorsements by superdelegates could be the key to victory.
And recently, more superdelegate support has been going Obama's way.
In December, according to an Associated Press tally, Clinton led Obama by 106 superdelegates. In February, her lead had been cut to 87. As of Thursday, it was 30.
On Wednesday, when Carter hinted strongly of his intentions, Obama won support from Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, who had been appointed the state's U.S. attorney by Clinton's husband.
Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania in recent days abandoned plans to stay neutral in the competition between their Senate colleagues. Both are opting for Obama.
And in an embarrassment for Clinton, one of the superdelegates supporting her, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), predicted in an interview with a Canadian radio station over the weekend that Obama would win both the nomination and the presidency.
"I will be stunned if he's not the next president of the United States," Cleaver said.
Obama's gains among superdelegates have come even though he trails Clinton in public opinion surveys in the next state to vote -- Pennsylvania, on April 22 -- and has faced an uproar over incendiary remarks by his former pastor.
A new New York Times/CBS News poll also shows that Obama's support among Democratic voters nationally has softened over the last month, though he was supported by 46% of those surveyed, versus 43% for Clinton.
Obama is winning over superdelegates because "his arguments are more persuasive," said Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster who is unaffiliated in the presidential race. "She obviously hopes that's going to change with Pennsylvania and races down the road. But for now, his arguments are being more persuasive with those superdelegates."
A major objective of Clinton's superdelegate operation is keeping supporters from defecting. Working from her campaign headquarters, a team of aides stays in seemingly constant touch with superdelegates committed to Clinton, sending them poll numbers and news articles meant to keep them from bolting.
"It's a slow drip, drip, drip -- but it's dripping the wrong way," said Joe Trippi, who was an advisor to former Democratic candidate John Edwards. "Psychologically, they're playing defense with superdelegates, not offense."
Some superdelegates in Clinton's camp are suggesting they might reconsider if she cannot meet certain goals, such as overcoming Obama's lead in the popular vote total. With 10 contests remaining, Obama has won about 700,000 more votes than Clinton. That tally excludes the votes in Florida and Michigan, which are not being recognized by the national Democratic Party.
Clinton aides would prefer that superdelegates consider a broader set of criteria, such as which candidate is likely to be more electable, or who ran more strongly in pivotal states such as Florida and Ohio.
Hoping that message will sink in, top aides hold regular conference calls with reporters in which a recurring theme is that superdelegates should see Clinton as the most formidable general-election candidate.
"The states she has taken have considerably more electoral votes," said Mark Penn, the campaign's chief strategist.
It is not clear that argument is resonating.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma), a leader of the influential House Out of Iraq Caucus, endorsed Clinton after hearing the New York senator explain her commitment to withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq.
But last month, Woolsey began to adjust her position, committing herself to back the candidate with the bigger share of the popular vote.
"No one wants our party's nominee to be chosen by the votes of a handful of superdelegates," Woolsey said in a statement. "That's why, while I remain a strong Hillary Clinton supporter, I will cast my vote at the convention for the candidate that is chosen not through back-room deals, but by the votes of the American public."
New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, a superdelegate backing Clinton, gave a television interview Thursday in which he too said his support might hinge on the popular vote total.
Corzine was asked if a candidate could capture the nomination despite trailing in the popular vote. "I think it would be a very hard argument to make," the governor said. 
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Take a look at a couple more findings from the latest CBS/NY Times poll: 69% of Democrats think Obama will be the nominee. He rates higher than McCain and Clinton on "shares values of Americans" 