A hard-hitting Investors Business Daily editorial that detail's Obama's Senate voting record, demonstrating that, more than his fellow Democrats, he is pro- Al Qaida...

On the issue of Iraq, he opposed the surge that has brought us victory. On March 15, he voted in favor of limiting debate on a proposal expressing the sense of Congress opposing President Bush's troop surge designed by Gen. David Petraeus.

Obama, whose foreign policy includes talking to our enemies while invading our allies, recently told the assembled veterans at the VFW Convention in Kansas City, Mo. "All our top military commanders recognize that there is no military solution in Iraq."

Let's see him repeat that to John McCain in a debate. Recently a top al-Qaida leader said his side faces an "extraordinary crisis" and "panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight."

On March 29, Obama voted for a fiscal 2007 emergency supplemental appropriations bill that included a goal for withdrawing most U.S. troops from Iraq by 2008. On Sept. 21, he was one of only 28 senators voting to set a timeline for most U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq within 90 days.

On the issue of fighting terror, on Aug. 3 Obama voted no on renewing for six months the authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to review communications of suspected terrorists without a court order.

and anti-American...

Despite America's energy woes, on June 13 he voted against speeding up the permitting process for oil-refining sites. On June 21, he voted to "limit debate" (invoking cloture to bar a filibuster) on an energy bill requiring higher fuel economy standards for all vehicles.

This bill produces no new domestic energy, but it would force Americans into smaller, less safe and more expensive cars. The bill also requires utilities to use renewable energy sources (not including nuclear power) for 15% of their electricity by 2020.

On the issue of stem cell research, he voted on April 11 against supporting nonembryonic stem cell research and in favor of embryonic stem cell research. This despite discoveries by researchers worldwide of ways to "reprogram" skin cells, for example, to become and potentially provide a limitless supply of embryonic stem cells without destroying human embryos in the process.

On June 6, he voted against making English the official language of the U.S. On May 24, he voted against permitting law enforcement officers to question individuals about their immigration status if they have probable cause to believe that the individuals are here illegally.

His liberal score may have been even higher were it not for the votes he missed. On Sept. 26, he missed a vote expressing the sense of the Senate that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard should be designated a terrorist organization. He says he would have voted no.

...far more so than even other liberal Democrats in congress.