The YouTube clips Whomod posted of Chelsea Clinton are totally pointless.

Here's one that answers your usual posturings of outrage that she was asked about her father's ejecting semen all over Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, her mother's saying the allegation of his having sex with Monica was just a "vast Right Wing conspiracy", and how she (Chelsea) felt it affected her mother's credibility after-the-fact, now that the semen stained dress proved that it was NOT a vast right-wing conspiracy, and that it WAS true.

Despite that the question was asked to Chelsea clumsily, the question to Chelsea was whether Hillary's bashing the Republicans for accusing Bill Clinton having sex in the Oval Office, and lying about it to both a grand jury and the American people, how Hillary at the time admonished the Republican accusers instead of Bill Clinton --the man who was guilty-- whether that demonstrates a lack of judgement on Hillary's part.
And Hillary's never apologizing for that, when the allegation, semen-stained dress and all, turned out to be unquestionably true.

Chelsea got all morally indignant, and essentially defended that her father fucked a woman not-her-mother in the Oval Office, defended that her father by his perjury held up the nation's business for 2 years by not cooperating with the investigation, defended that her father was one of only 2 presidents in U.S. history to be impeached, defended that her father was guilty of crimes and disbarred as a lawyer, defended that her mother slandered the Republicans as "right wing conspiracy" liars who made up stuff that was proven to be unquestionably true... oh yes, these are private matters, and no one's business but her family's ?!?

What utter B.S.