Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher
...I hear info gained under torture isn't always trustworthy, on account of people willing to say anything to stop the pain (and considering your average terrorist is willing to kill himself to get the job done, I don't think some pain is gonna faze him)...

I dunno about that. if these guys are conditioned to prepare for a quick death by suicide bomb or at least by shooting, they're probably not expecting or particularly looking forward to anything lengthier, even if it's not as painful.

When you're dealing with martyrs who are encouraged to sacrifice themselves for the cause, I'm sure they're willing to put up with a hell of a lot, if they're really committed. Hell, some of 'em might even get off on it - they might actually take pride in suffering.

it's been said time and again that these techniques don't represent imminent physical danger, just as it's been said that these heinous atrocities are about as intense as a frat hazing.

Not by people whose word I'm gonna accept at face value.

but the point to all this is, how much useful information would it take to establish the necessity of certain interrogation techniques in the minds of those who establish and enforce policy?

Well, as long as there are SOME productive results. If there are real results that save lives, and it's not being done just for kicks or purely out of revenge...let's just say I won't pain-t a completely negative picture.

(Hrmmm...torture really doesn't lend itself to all that many puns...)

I gotta wonder how much the average militant or terrorist really knows. I doubt any henchman or minion would be entrusted with too much information in case he spilled what he knew, under duress or otherwise. The problem isn't the small fry minions - it's the puppet masters pulling their strings, and they might take steps to make sure they can't be identified.

Last edited by The Pun-isher; 2008-04-11 1:13 AM.

This is not vengeance. This is pun-ishment.

"The goodness of the true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability." — Edgar Allan Poe