Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy, are you aware that "allah" is just the arabic word for god? the same abrahamic god you worship. so saying praise allah as a slur makes little sense.

Allah is a word used by Koran-based believers in God, with beliefs in Jihad, Honor-killing, and basically murdering anyone who doesn't believe exactly what they do.

Yahweh (or Holy Father) is the Abrahamic god. No one who follows the Abrahamic God asserts a belief in murdering non-Christians or non-Jews, or any similar equivalent of Jihad.

Muslims believe that God's blessing was passed on to Ishmael (illegitimate son of Abraham) and his descendants, the Arabs.

The Bible (in Genesis) teaches that God's blessing was given to Isaac (legitimate son of Abraham and his wife) and his descendants, the Israelites (or Jews).

You once again are clearly incorrect in what you allege.

well i didn't allege anything. Allah is the Arabic word for God. Regardless of which son got what, no one says it's a different god just different interpretations of said god's wishes.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims all think they have it right and the others are wrong. Go back a few hundred years and you'd have Christians running inquisitions and building ghettos because of that belief. And the Christian Bible teaches lots of violent things, things that are ignored in the modern world. But if you look at the harshness and instability of the middle east it's no wonder that some will adhere to those violent teachings in their book. In fact technically they have to use broad interpretations to justify themselves. Islam is very clear that harming innocents is never allowed so then people like bin laden have to twist what the word innocent means, which is no different than someone who shoots an abortion clinic doctor because they twisted the wording in the bible.

Bow ties are coool.