Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: MEM

I can understand a husband being overly protective about the wife

When, exactly, has Bill EVER been protective of his wife? I think a strong argument could be made that his various affairs have been anything but.

I just was talking about an example where Bill was being protective of Hillary. If you feel an affair somehow makes him incapable of ever defending his wife, you can have that opinion. I guess I've known enough married couples where things just are not so black & white.

I don't know.

There's a theory that Bill isn't even being protective of her now, what with all the embarrassing gaffes he's been making about her candidacy.

In fact, some people think he's actually-subconsciously or otherwise-sabotaging her campaign (perhaps because he doesn't want his wife to erase his "legacy" by making him known less as a president in his own right and more as the "first male First Lady").