This is pretty much the death knell for Air America which with Mark Greene has turned into a centrist political correct station that is routinely at odds with the very liberal audience it was supposed to cater to.

Randi, unarguably their best personality, now joined Nova M radio where pretty much all the top talent on Air America is trickling to. I think the final straw with Air America was in the fact that Randi was plugging Mike Malloy on her last Air America broadcast. Which apparently is taboo as Malloy really pisses off the Air America management.

Their last really good talent is Sam Seeder who BTW already has one foot at Nova M and one still at Air America. Everyone else as far as my affiliate in L.A. is concerned is already syndicated anyways so Air America is really just vanishing away into insignificance as talent like Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy and now Randi Rhodes continue on the air uninterrupted, outside of Air America and despite Air America's current management.