Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

The difference, as you well know, is that millions of muslims cheer in the street at news of 9-11, or cheer news of dead israelis from a suicide bombing or missile attack.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
so what? Have you ever seen a soccer riot, or a football riot, or Mardi Gras? Do you understand mob mentality and how people just join in with the group?


This is, perhaps, one of the most twisted examples of moral relativism I've ever seen: comparing the murder of thousands of innocent people to a sporting event.

Ray, you really need to take a step back.

um...we're not talking about deaths, we're talking about people gathering and cheering. it's not moral relativisim, it's simply pointing to similar reactions not making any comment on what those are reactions to. it's talking about mob mentality being part of human nature.
maybe you should get your law student interns at the traffic firm to proofread your posts before you come off like a senile old man...again.

but i love the typical conservative tactic. you find a hidden meaning where none exists and then claim that was the whole point of the argument.

Bow ties are coool.