Heath Ledger Bodybag Scene In Batman Screening Upset Audiences
  • Early audience screenings of new Batman movie The Dark Knight have left viewers stunned thanks to an unfortunate scene featuring late actor Heath Ledger's The Joker playing dead in a bodybag.

    The unsettling scene has prompted studio bosses at Warner Brothers to consider cutting the footage from the sequel when it hits cinemas on full release in July (08).

    Writing on BlogLog.Globo.com, one internet critic, who claims a source saw the film recently, writes, "My secret agent between the Armani suits saw a super private session for The Dark Knight and came out drooling.

    "It will be a great success, he guarantees, the gadgets... are crazy and Heath Ledger... delivered, got himself into the role and it's unrecognisable. There will be no other Joker after him."

    But the blogger claims audience members were a little taken aback by one scene, where Ledger's character plays dead "inside a body bag".

    He adds, "It caused adverse reactions in the audience, for obvious reasons. It will possibly be cut. (I hope not!)"

    Warner Brothers publicists were unavailable for comment as WENN went to press. (c) WENN