Voter's in PA are not stupid Whomod, they can see Obama for the flim flam man that he says. Pretty words though.
New poll puts Clinton 20 points ahead in Pennsylvania
Published: Monday April 14, 2008

A new poll released Monday by the American Research Group gives Hillary Clinton a twenty point lead in Pennsylvania -- up from a tied race just a week ago.

A week ago, the same poll had Clinton tied with Barack Obama, each with 45 percent.

The poll says:

Clinton leads Barack Obama 48% to 44% among men (45% of likely Democratic primary voters). Among women, Clinton leads 64% to 31%.

Clinton leads 64% to 29% among white voters (82% of likely Democratic primary voters). Obama leads 79% to 18% among African American voters (14% of likely Democratic primary voters).

Clinton leads 52% to 43% among voters age 18 to 49 (50% of likely Democratic primary voters) and Clinton leads 62% to 31% among voters age 50 and older.

10% of all likely Democratic primary voters say they would never vote for Hillary Clinton in the primary and 24% of likely Democratic primary voters say they would never vote for Barack Obama in the primary.


Fair play!