Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy you have proven yourself to have a certain view of history in which white people kill because they're making things better, brown people kill because they're savage. christians invade countries out of self-defense, they kill for justice, and are only mean against people who were mean first. in your world no christian is violent or bad, all other religions and races are evil and trying to destroy you and your way of life.

For the billionth time, that's just how you deceitfully spin what I've said, to allege something I never actually said.

What I just quoted from Wikipedia said that while there were some occasional massacres by Europeans (and a roughly equal number of massacres of Europeans by Native Americans) no respectable historian this side of Ward Churchill seriously agrees with the partisan anti-European liberal excrement you allege as "fact".

Across literally hundreds of these exchanges with you on race issues and European history, I've NEVER said that "white people kill because they're making things better, brown people kill because they're savage. christians invade countries out of self-defense, they kill for justice, and are only mean against people who were mean first". Those are entirely your own vicious words and ideas, NOT mine.

What I've ACTUALLY SAID is that while Europeans have done some terrible things, so has every other civilization, to Europeans and to every other race they could exploit.
That Europeans are scapegoated as the only abusers, even when other cultures are equally to blame.
(As in the case of the black slave trade in Africa, where blacks created the slave trade hundreds of years before Europeans ever participated in it, and black slave trade continued hundreds of years after Europeans abolished slavery, and continues to this day in Africa. But Europeans are somehow blamed for black slavery, even though Europeans did not create black slavery or continue it.)

And you also ignore my larger point that other peoples in every corner of the Third World, even though to some degree exploited by European colonialism, have a cultural and technological NET BENEFIT from their interaction with Europeans.

India, for example, has a court system, a military heirarchy, a university system, an economic business model, that mirrors that of their previous British occupiers. If British occupation were nothing but bad for India, they would have rejected all these things when they became independent in 1946. But in truth, they are a far better nation for these British intrusions.

Black Americans (according to a U.S. black scholar, no less) are statistically 50 times better off living in the U.S. than their brethren still living in Africa, by the measurements of income, political/ethnic violence, violent crime, health care, life span, education, and other factors.

This truth of a net benefit to European colonialism, in sharp contrast to the partisan propaganda of you and other liberals, who heap blame on the U.S. and European colonialism as racist, greedy, etc., etc., as always exploiting the third world for its own benefit.

There was some exploitation, yes.
But there was also a great deal of benefit as well.

How you mistake that viewpoint of mine, literally expressed here in hundreds of my posts, for what you slanderously mischaracterize it as ( "WB thinks white people are always good, WB thinks brown people are evil, etc.") is deliberate misrepresentation by you, that is just beyond the pale.

I've quoted sources to back my assertions.

You've answered with slander.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

i don't really know what to say beyond the initial point. and i think that's the point with your type of mindset. you keep stubborning sticking with your nasty view of the world and assault anything that challenges your views, just so long as you never give in to a new idea you can wear out your opponent and claim victory. but it's not a victory, i get the sense you never win. it's sad and i won't add yet another insult and humiliation to what must be a very depressing life for you.

Another factless rant, and a poorly worded one at that.

You humiliate only yourself.