Thanks for your lengthy response, Whomod.

It might surprise you that I actually agree with your responses on all three candidates for the most part. This was much less inflammatory and much more specific than much of what you've posted to the Hillary and Obama topics recently, among others.

Even where I disagreed with you in this post, you at least acknowledge that opinions vary on whether Obama or someone else is the best candidate. But whether or not I fully agree, your respectful (!) expression of your own perspective is far better received than your partisan gloating and taunts.

On the subject of Gore...

 Originally Posted By: Whomod
Al Gore said he invented the Internet is an outright lie that i still challenge. Attacks on his personal lifestyle in relation to his environmentalism, while I don't agree with them, are fair game I suppose. To me it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to carry out a schedule as demanding as his while riding a bicycle to remain 'pure' to his critics is unrealistic I think but there you are.

Al Gore also said on one photo op with farmers that he was raised on a farm. When in fact, he never lived on a farm and --like Hillary landing in Bosnia "under fire"-- manufactured a folksy image, to give himself middle-America voter-appeal.
In fairness, maybe Gore only told his fake farmboy story once, and Hillary repeated hers a few times, unrepentantly. But the Hillary-"under fire" story got one hell of a lot more media-play, and I think that had to do with Obama support among the media reporting it, that wanted to crush her barely-surviving candidacy by disproportionately over-reporting it.

The other point about "no legitimate media source" reports about Obama's hidden muslim past, ignores that the media is upwards of 80% liberal, and that Obama is their man, and they just don't want to report it.
But every mainstream conservative media source (FOX News, Newsmax, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times...) has reported it. I would say that the portion of the media that isn't partisanly liberal/pro-Obama, has reported this story regularly.

And while you would like to say that these are "wild conspiracy theories that Obama is an al qaida Manchurian Candidate", I don't see that anyone has suggested that he's a secret agent of Al Qaida, but simply that he's been dishonest about his muslim beliefs and has (by the words quoted from his own autobiography and elsewhere) a hidden anti-white/anti-European/anti-American liberal agenda, that he has been dishonest about, as many of his sourced friends from grade school, high-school, college, and early career years are quoted, and many even from their online linked blog websites.

Whether you agree or like it, it is not sleazy to ask legitimate questions about what Obama truly believes, and contrast that with what Obama says, and often waffles or reverses himself on, in his speeches.

I have about equal admiration and disgust for Obama, Hillary and McCain at this point. Even though I agree with McCain more than the other two, you and others (including Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson) make legitimate points about McCain's being a bad representative of true Republicanism, and arguably not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, and I'm still deciding whether it would be better to let a Democrat take the blame for the next 4 years, rather than elect another Republican (like W. Bush is) that misrepresents what Republican conservatism is all about.

Of the three, at this point I think Hillary might be the fastest on her feet, the most moderate (by her Senate record), the most tenacious, and the most resourceful. She is a true politician, and while none of us are admirers of manipulative politicians, she might have more of what it takes to deal with domestic and global leaders than the other two candidates.

At various points I've thought that McCain, Hillary, and even at points Obama, might be the best choice of the three. But the truth is, none of them is who I would have chosen, it's just down to the lesser of three evils now.

And my opinion on which is the lesser evil changes often, at this point.