



Friends, my entire campaign I've talked about how this campaign is a struggle for this city's soul. On the one hand, there are those people who prey on the innocent citizens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our movement to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.

At Rossi's Deli, we saw that struggle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are calling him a "crazed smear cop" but he encapsulates the choice facing us. Do we continue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?

That's the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an innocent, terrified girl. He turned himself in. And he is now talking to the police about mob involvement in the smear campaign against me.

That's the real lesson of the incident. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change ourselves, if we have the power to change one person, then we have the power to change Gotham.
Candidate for DA Dana Worthington Comments on Events at Rossi's Deli

Everybody is talking about the events at Rossi's Deli on Sunday. I want to be the first to commend Harvey Dent for his bravery, courage, and compassion. Even in the middle of a hard-fought campaign, I think it's important to acknowledge true valor. What Harvey Dent did by putting himself at risk to free that poor, poor woman is something all Gothamites can be proud of. Thanks to him, the hostage, Jenna Hanover- Oates, was released alive and well. She is a true survivor, and on that day, Harvey Dent became a true hero.

But one woman did not survive. Mary Breitup. Every death of a fellow human being is like a little death of all of us. Even if we've experienced terrible and tragic deaths, it never gets any easier. I'm so sad for the Breitup family. My heart goes out to the Breitup children. Who will stop this madness? When will it ever end?

We don't know what happened inside that deli. But we do know that there was yet one more victim left dead, Mary Breitup, beautiful, tragic, hard-working Mary Breitup. What a tragic tale she tells, losing her handsome husband Karl to the shoot-out at Betty's House of Pies and then losing her own life at Rossi's Deli. And the children suffer most of all. Who will take care of the children? What will they remember of their parents?

If I could have reached out to Mary, if I could have contacted her, if I could have whispered in her ear, "Go! Save your life! Go hug your kids!" I would have. I would have done everything in my power to get through to her, to save her from the twists and tragedies of fate.

But we live in Gotham. All of our lives are hanging on a thread.
Things must change.

This is certainly no time for politics. But if you vote for me, I will work my heart out to make sure there are no more victims like Mary Breitup.

Dana Worthington

We are all grieving from the loss of a Gotham citizen during the tragic event's at Rossi's Deli on Sunday. All of us here send out our deepest regrets to the family of Mary Breitup, her parents, and sisters, and especially her two lovely children Andrew, 5, and Joseph, 8.

Nobody can excuse Officer Frank Notaro's conduct. Let us not forget Sargeant Notaro's heroism. He won the Gotham Medal of Commendation for saving innocent bystanders in May of last year. Now in jail, Sgt. Notaro is surely suffering still from the tragic events of Sunday.

But questions remain. What set the stage for the incident? What would drive a good cop to take such an action? The truth is that Harvey Dent set the stage for this tragedy with his insane, mad quest to put good cops in jail. It was Harvey Dent who put Sgt. Notaro in an impossible position. First, as Notaro testified, Harvey Dent offered him "cash money to lie" about a good cop that Dent wanted jailed for another big headline.

Then, Dent swore he was going to prosecute Notaro himself when Notaro refused. So Frank Notaro was under an enormous amount of pressure. And then, when Sgt. Notaro had the courage to go public with the truth about Dent, the Dent machine laid the dirtiest smears imaginable on Notaro, calling him a corrupt liar.

So who's responsible for Mary Breitup's death? Harvey Dent is. Just as he was responsible for the death of Mary's husband, Karl, who died in a scandalous shoot-out during another one of Dent's runaway prosecutions. Harvey Dent has killed two wonderful Gotham citizens, who were in love with each other. Harvey Dent has left their two children orphans. Harvey Dent should be ashamed of himself.
4/13 UPDATE:

One of the most incredible parts about being the founder of Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham was meeting the incredible police officers who joined up. This message is for them.

To do what they did – to speak truth to power – took guts. People like Frank Notaro, an officer who stood up to the powerful and the elites, who stood up to Harvey Dent's machine of intimidation and brutality, showed an incredible courage. An incredible braveness. They knew that they would be attacked viciously. Their motives questioned. But they knew that they had to speak out.

Now, the backlash against them may be violent. It may be brutal. But each man knows his duty. Each man knows what he must do for his honor. That's why Concerned Citizens for A Better Gotham was founded. Honor.

Thanks, and Keep the Faith

Joseph Candoloro, Founder, Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."