Originally Posted By: Ray
no it's about racism and xenophobia. there's an economic recession and people start looking to blame outsiders. it happened last century during hardtimes in border towns and it's happening now.
and the people like you who see america as a white country want to control any shifts in ethnicity so that you can maintain the majority and feel superior.
what would Jesus say, i wonder.

Far from your slanders that I advocate some kind of white-only America, I clearly and consistently welcome anyone, of any race, who assimilates into English-speaking American culture, and who supports the patriotic unity of us as a nation (as opposed to those who fracture us along racial and ethnic lines and have an open hostility toward the mainstream of America).

Jesus would say:
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God What is God's"
(Luke 20:25)

He advocated obedience of state authority, except where it violates the laws of God.
As opposed to liberal anarchy.