Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

no, my point has always been that all cultures have their sins. which was the point i was making above about muslims and the crusades. you're the one who painted them as evil and the christians as universal heroes. You're the one who wishes we would all just gloss over any sin of the American government.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Jean Kirkpatrick came up yesterday and reading this made me think of her dumb slogan which was then co-opted by the people who use slogans as a shortcut to thinking. "Blame America".

It's just a shame that rather than focus on things like the concept of "blowback", it's sooo much easier and jingoistic to think that bad stuff happens to us because everyone "hates America" or "hates our freedom". It's just a guarantee that more bad stuff will continue to happen to us and we for the life of us will think that it's because we own homes and shop at the mall.

You could make the same dumbassed argument about "blowback" regarding the Japanese bombing us at Pearl Harbor.

You call us a "racist" country for dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and killing 200,000 people, to end the war, ignoring the millions the Imperial Japanese tortured and slaughtered. In your mirror darkly, we are the evil racists ones.

Or similarly rationalize the Germans declaring war on us. Or Soviet expansionism. Or the current islamic violence. Or abolishing slavery.

But the truth is you are reflexively taking the stance and talking points of our enemy, and reflexively slandering and badmouthing your own country. You are blaming America, and you can't even see it, so throroughly anti-American is your thought process.

The problem with liberal schmucks like you, is you don't even realize you're acting and behaving in an un-american way. So of course you'd look at it that way.