1) does Elektra turn into a skrull when you stab her?

2) when did the Rock become a SHIELD agent?

3) did we really need figures of Bi-Beast, Cap. Iron Man, Scarlet Spider, and red Hulk?

4) who thought Marvel Transformers was an idea that needed to be brought back? hey, when remember the Hulk turned into a tank? that was so coooooolllll. . .

5) why do they make Superhero Squad figures of Deadpool, Punisher, Elektra, etc? this is the line for little kids, right? wtf?

6) finally, a real DD figure!

7) Nova looks like he can't see out of his helmet.

8) Ult. GA Cap looks decent.

9) Spiral's ok, but could be better. they should take a page from DC Direct and have Art Adams design her.

10) that new Green Goblin design is GOBAWFUL! stop making figures of it!

11) bring on more DCU pics!