But what you advocate is jingoism. 'My country right or wrong', which just so happens to be another slogan. Like I said, it's a shortcut to thinking.

And when did I ever call the United States a "racist" country for dropping the Atom bomb on Hiroshima??

I disagree with killing tens of thousands of innocent people just because their government happens to be at war with ours. Regardless of who does it.

I certainly don't think racism played as much a role as did a desire to show off our bomb to the soviets and maybe some revenge for Pearl Harbor, which so happened to be a military target.

I have to ask, since you seem enamored of Pat Buchanan and his stance on immigration, is he repeating the talking points of our enemies when he and other conservatives, like Ron paul and once upon a time, John McCain criticizes the war? Because guys like him are saying the same things as the people you call unAmerican?

Or when people make controversial (to right wingers that is) statements like the surge has failed or the Iraq war has strengthened al queda and weakened, if not outright broken our military? After all, these "talking points" in fact come not from MoveOn.Org but from our intelligence community.

This is what I mean. You'd rather attack liberals as aiding the enemy rather than admit they've been pretty much right from the beginning of the war. And the people you'd call patriotic have been downright deceptive and dishonest thru it all, to the point where now no one trusts this Administration even when they do happen to state a fact or two.