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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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After last night, the conservatives need not worry about any dirty attacks. Hillary and ABC just legitimized them.

If this isn't a reaction to last night's debate debacle, I don't know what is.

An increasingly firm Howard Dean told CNN again Thursday that he needs superdelegates to say who they’re for – and “I need them to say who they’re for starting now.”

“We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time,” the Democratic National Committee Chairman told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “We’ve got to know who our nominee is.”

Dean clearly wasn't happy with what he saw last night. It's no longer just Hillary using right-wing talking points in an effort to destroy the guy who will be running against McCain in the fall, now the mainstream media has bought into the "let's destroy Obama" game. As Ben Smith notes, this is the first time the mainstream media has delved into the William Ayers issue, one of the many below-the-belt zingers that Hillary has been trying to throw at Obama:

Barack Obama took his first public grilling on his relationship with Bill Ayers last night, and between the moderators' pressing and Clinton's follow-up, it had exactly the effect the Clinton campaign hoped: finally injecting the issue into the public discussion.

At the moment, "Ayers" is the fifth most searched term on Google, according to Google Trends; "Ayers Obama" is 15th. "William Ayers" is 26th.

ABC, with Hillary's help, has now made yet another right-wing talking point a legitimate point of public debate about Obama. If this keeps up, every Swift Boat style attack against Obama will be considered a serious issue by the media, all because Hillary made it so. Dean has, in my opinion, had enough. He's watching Hillary's kamikaze attack on Obama metastasize into a media feeding frenzy against the guy who won our nomination two months ago. Hillary isn't going to win, Dean knows it, we all know it. The only question is whether she's going to take all of us down with her. Howard Dean is apparently now, finally, belatedly, saying "no."

Get ready for the Hillary donors to once again threaten to destroy our majority in the Congress, and help John McCain become president, if Hillary's divine right of kings isn't honored.

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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I can't wait for Hillary to denounce him.

Come on, Hillary - get 'em.

Benedict examined American society, saying he detected anger and alienation, increasing violence and a "growing forgetfulness of God."

Seriously, now that Hillary is an agent of our Lord, smiter of irreverent pastors and defender of the armed faithful, let's hear what she has to say about the Pope, since he pretty much just called Americans bitter.

whomod #939747 2008-04-18 10:09 AM
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Whomod, the problem with what Obama said wasn't that he was saying people were bitter but that he said that people were clinging to religion, guns & antipathy because they were bitter.

And somebody should let Howard Dean know that we still have some states that have to weigh in. It would be unwise to have the superdelegates to prematurely decide who the nominee is. Even Obama doesn't think she should drop out. Granted I'm sure he doesn't mean it but since you have both candidates publicly stating that the race should go on, Howard Dean really has no place trying to end the race now.

When this is over btw Howard Dean needs to be replaced IMHO.

Fair play!
whomod #939757 2008-04-18 11:28 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
I can't wait for Hillary to denounce him.

Come on, Hillary - get 'em.
  • Benedict examined American society, saying he detected anger and alienation, increasing violence and a "growing forgetfulness of God."

Seriously, now that Hillary is an agent of our Lord, smiter of irreverent pastors and defender of the armed faithful, let's hear what she has to say about the Pope, since he pretty much just called Americans bitter.

I hate to break it to you, whomod, but we generally hold U.S. presidential candidates to a different standard than we hold non-citizens who aren't running for president.

Using your "logic," no candidate can criticize the other unless he or she also blasts every foreign head of state who shares a similar view. That's facially ridiculous on your part.

Furthermore, the quotes aren't really comparable. In fact, they're pretty much the opposite of each other, given that Obama claimed bitterness turned people to religion and the Pope claimed bitterness was caused by forsaking religion.

the G-man #939802 2008-04-18 7:54 PM
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whomod also skimmed over the part in Obama's "bitter" speech were he said that small town people hated people that were different than them....

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BSAMS, if there's anything that whomod and Barack Obama have taught me, it's that you can't question what Black people say. It's true that small town Americans are racist, gun-toting, religious zealots because of the bad economy. I have no empirical evidence of any of that, but that doesn't matter. A Black man said it. Not just a Black man, but THE Black man. The one who's going to be our president because if he isn't, then it just proves that Americans can't overcome their disgusting racism. You should be ashamed, BSAMS. Not only for your questioning of a Black man's statements, but simply for your avatar itself. What a disgustingly racist way to photoshop a picture. If you were going to photoshop a pic of Obama, it should be to show him wearing a golden crown on his head while he's rescuing a Black baby from a white man carrying an American flag who's trying to sell that baby crack.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
thedoctor #939807 2008-04-18 8:24 PM
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im sorry. it was my racist upbringing, that made me say that. i dont actual have any recollection of racism in my family, but my parents are Caucasian so i'm sure there was.

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That's okay. I understand that even Obama's grandmother was an evil, racist white woman.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
thedoctor #939844 2008-04-19 12:55 AM
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 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
BSAMS, if there's anything that whomod and Barack Obama have taught me, it's that you can't question what Black people say.

Really. Sorry to hear that. Because I make a living constantly questioning what black people say.

It's true that small town Americans are racist, gun-toting, religious zealots because of the bad economy. I have no empirical evidence of any of that, but that doesn't matter. A Black man said it. Not just a Black man, but THE Black man.

He was explaining to his donors why small town people vote on wedge issues rather than on their economic interests. What was amazing about that debate was that Joe Scarborough admitted on air that GOP strategy included ensuring that people vote against their economic interests and for issues like guns and flag pins and gays etc..

The one who's going to be our president because if he isn't, then it just proves that Americans can't overcome their disgusting racism. You should be ashamed, BSAMS. Not only for your questioning of a Black man's statements, but simply for your avatar itself. What a disgustingly racist way to photoshop a picture. If you were going to photoshop a pic of Obama, it should be to show him wearing a golden crown on his head while he's rescuing a Black baby from a white man carrying an American flag who's trying to sell that baby crack.

I cry for the put upon white man. Oh looordy, when will the white man achieve justice!!!!

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Secretly recorded tape reveals Hillary blasting MoveOn & Democratic activists.

The Huffington Post has uncovered a tape of Hillary telling some fundraisers at a private meeting that she hates the Netroots and Democratic activists, especially MoveOn. Ironically, it was also the Huffington Post that revealed Obama's private meeting with fundraisers that led to the entire "bitter" debacle.

(Funny, Hillary spoke to MoveOn just last year, and praised their work (listen to the audio, it's good). She "personally welcomes" MoveOn's work and says "I am grateful for your work." And let's not forget why and how MoveOn started. They wanted Congress to MoveOn from impeaching Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinksy. This is yet another example of the Clinton's throwing a key ally, a key defender, under the bus when it's expedient.)

You see, MoveOn and the rest of the Netroots is made up of people who aren't very American or patriotic. They didn't even support the war in Afghanistan, Hillary claims, so these are the kind of people she has to deal with. They're also the reason that Hillary didn't win the caucuses, because of those crazy MoveOn people - I hear they would even threaten Hillary's poor caucus-going supporters. And what's more, those MoveOn people raised a ton of money for Obama, Hillary claims, so in reality, Obama didn't raise that much money from real Americans. So Hillary's entire argument, as always, is that everyone really loves her, nobody really likes Obama, but somehow the system is screwing her and making it look like she's losing, when she's really not. She's winning. Sure, she's not winning in delegates, or popular vote, or number of states won, or in donations, but she's winning in the area that really matters: Excuses.

Here is what Hillary had to say:

" endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] -- which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down," Clinton said to a meeting of donors. "We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that's what we're dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and It's primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don't agree with them. They know I don't agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me."

Oh, and guess what? Hillary lied. MoveOn's Executive Director Eli Pariser just gave the following statement to the Huffington Post:

"Senator Clinton has her facts wrong again. MoveOn never opposed the war in Afghanistan, and we set the record straight years ago when Karl Rove made the same claim.

What?? Hillary parrot right wing talking points in her mad quest for power? Say it ain't so!

The larger irony is that Obama never did a lot of outreach to the Netroots. His outreach was actually the worst of any of the big campaigns (Edwards was the best, and Hillary's was still better than Obama's, which didn't really exist at all). Yet, somehow, the Netroots still ended up supporting Obama over Hillary, even though they didn't know his people, but they sure knew hers. Just food for thought.

It's funny. Hillary was a big fan of the online grassroots (or Netroots, as we call it) when ABC was defaming her husband in its fictional account of September 11, "The Path to 9/11." At that time, the netroots led a ferocious counterattack that put ABC in its place by exposing the serious errors in ABC's bizarrely inaccurate account of that day's fateful events. The Clintons didn't seem to have much of a problem with the Netroots when it came to their rescue. But now that it's defending Obama against the same biased attacks from ABC, Hillary dismisses it with a wave of her regal palm.

To paraphrase Rev. Martin Niemöller, Hillary has embraced so many right-wing talking points in her campaign, and bashed so many core Democratic constituencies (blacks, gays, gun control advocates, and now the Netroots), that pretty soon she'll have no more Democrats left to blame. Nor will she have any Democrats left to support what has become a truly pathetic caricature of what was once a great Democratic family.

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wow Hilary is opposed to left wing nut job organizations? she is despicable!

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Let's not give Hillary credit she doesn't deserve. Her problem with MoveOn isn't that it's radical or leftist. It's that they aren't supporting her.

MoveOn, in fact, was originally founded to support Bill during the perjury scandal. She was quite fine with them back then.

It's not about principle or beliefs with her on this. It's about who she perceives as sufficiently loyal to her and Bill.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's not give Hillary credit she doesn't deserve. Her problem with MoveOn isn't that it's radical or leftist. It's that they aren't supporting her.

MoveOn, in fact, was originally founded to support Bill during the perjury scandal. She was quite fine with them back then.

It's not about principle or beliefs with her on this. It's about who she perceives as sufficiently loyal to her and Bill.

I have to admit that it's gratifying to see her alienate every last bit of Democratic party support available to her.

I can actually see her doing a Joe Lieberman if every last desperate measure she attempts doesn't work out. The "Americans For Hillary Clinton" Party anyone? Maybe she'll also be up for giving the keynote address at the GOP convention too as Richard Mellon Scaife, Joementum, and Ann Coulter (and MEM ) cheer her on.

whomod #939876 2008-04-19 4:07 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
I cry for the put upon white man. Oh looordy, when will the white man achieve justice!!!!

yeah, no bitterness in this thread whatsoever.


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I'm no strategist, but it seems that if you're aiming for the Democratic nomination, offending MoveOn and the Netroots is a first class disaster.

I mean, if by some chance you beat Obama, you're going to want MoveOn and the Netroots to help you beat McCain, right? Especially after you've already admitted that they're some of the biggest fundraisers the party's got.

And then there's the youth vote. Let's say you beat Obama, and they're a little angry. The Netroots could be great help in winning them back.

The "activist base" might have been willing to come around in time. They might have been willing to support you for the good of the party.

I'm guessing now...not so much.

whomod #939995 2008-04-19 8:02 PM
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Would someone please ask Howard Wolfson what he's talking about? The Clinton campaign, for months now, has pushed this seemingly true, but logically flawed, notion that if Obama loses big states like Pennsylvania to Hillary, then that means he "can't win" big states, aka can't win big states against McCain in the fall. Here is what top Clinton advisers Wolfson had to say, again, yesterday:

"If Sen. Obama can't win in Pennsylvania, it will be another sign he's unable to win in large states Democrats need to win in a general election," says Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson.

On its face you go, wow, he's right. I mean, if Obama can't win Pennsylvania then we're screwed in the fall - that's a lot of electoral votes for McCain. The only problem in Wolfson's logic, and he knows it, is that while Obama is expected to lose Pennsylvania to Hillary in the Democratic primary next Tuesday, that has nothing to do with the results of Obama vs. McCain in the general election. Yes, Hillary's people are lying to you, yet again. Let me walk you through the logic with an example.

1. I have a choice between brownies and cookies for dessert. I choose brownies. Wolfson is trying to tell me that this means I hate cookies, that I'll never choose cookies in the future, and even if I have a choice between cookies and broccoli for dessert in the fall, I'll choose broccoli then because I didn't choose cookies today.

You see, Wolfson is making a common error that's understandable coming from the Hillary campaign. Most Democrats are not going to help John McCain become president out of spite simply because Hillary didn't win the Democratic nomination. In the real world, Democrats support their party and their nominee - they don't take their toys and go home just because their first choice in the primary didn't win.

whomod #940001 2008-04-19 8:12 PM
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John Kerry's campaign thought like you do to whomod, how'd that work out?

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
John Kerry's campaign thought like you do to whomod, how'd that work out?

Wow. Thanks.

I'll pass your advice on to Obama.

Maybe he'll send you a sticker or something.

Thanks again for all you do.

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Another reason Hillary Clinton is losing may be explained in tomorrow's NY Times. The Clinton campaign seems to spend a lot of time figuring out which disloyal Democrats to hate -- and to what degree they should hate them. The Clinton campaign is on life support and they are busy making an enemies list.

Last year, word was that Team Clinton basically went around to donors and others with a clear message, which I'll paraphrase here:

Get on the bus, NOW. If you don't get on the bus, NOW, you will never get on the bus. This is the winning bus and we're going to remember who didn't get on early because when you try to get on, there won't be any seats left.

Despite the warnings, a lot of people took a different bus.

It does sound like the crew at the Clinton HQ puts a lot of time into tracking who, in their minds, has screwed them over. John Kerry is currently at the top of the hate list (a top Clinton supporter says Kerry is now "dead" to the Clintons):

Mr. Kerry, his top aides and family members have received varying degrees of tongue-lashing from Clinton surrogates, chiefly two top fund-raisers — John Coale and Peter Maroney — with previous close ties to Mr. Kerry.

(Quick aside: Mr. Coale is married to Greta Van Susteren from FOX News. Oh, and for what it's worth, they're both Scientologists.)

Now, I'm just saying that it might have behooved the staffers, fundraisers and consultants associated with Team Clinton to put some time into being decent to those who could have helped them. However, Team Clinton took a different approach -- and look where it got them. The arrogance of that campaign, and the sense of entitlement, permeated everything they did.

If you weren't 100% with them every step of the way, even if you went far out of your way to help them on numerous occasions, you were persona non grata - not needed. Lots of political types -- and reporters have similar stories of how they too were mistreated by the campaign. It's a window into the character of the campaign, and its leader - and it isn't pretty.

This arrogance and vindictiveness of the Clintons is important to understand. It helps explain why Hillary won't get out of the race even though she can't win it. The world revolves around Hillary and Bill. They're willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way. And if the majority of the Democratic voters, the majority of the states, and the majority of the delegates get in their way, then they'll be on the top of the list. Right after John Kerry.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man

It's not about principle or beliefs with her... It's about who she perceives as sufficiently loyal to her and Bill.

the G-man #940235 2008-04-20 1:06 PM
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A 10-point advantage that Sen. Barack Obama held over Sen. Hillary Clinton in Gallup's national daily tracking poll just one week ago has vanished - with Gallup reporting Clinton's first marginal lead over Obama among Democratic voters in a month.

Clinton's 46-45 percentage point edge over Obama - a statistical tie, really, but the first time that Democrats have leaned in Clinton's direction since March 18-20 - follows the contentious debate in Philadelphia last week that Obama derided as a "gotcha'' fest but Clinton claimed as a victory.

The newest survey results reported Saturday come from polling April 16-18, including two days following the debate. "Support for Hillary Clinton has been significantly higher in both of these post-debate nights of interviewing than in recent nights,'' Gallup's Frank Newport reports.

Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll, notes that there "has been no change in the general election trial heats, with Obama's margin over Republican John McCain at 45 percent to 44 percent among registered voters nationally, and Clinton's margin holding at 46 to 44 percent.

It's a tie, all the way around -- a remarkable backdrop for the campaign unfolding over the next six and a half months.

The Swamp

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the G-man #940283 2008-04-20 6:23 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Which goes on to note:
  • Clinton's lead among superdelegates has been narrowing in recent weeks, and she trails Barack Obama in total delegates, including those awarded in primaries and caucuses.

the G-man #940287 2008-04-20 6:53 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Which goes on to note:
  • Clinton's lead among superdelegates has been narrowing in recent weeks, and she trails Barack Obama in total delegates, including those awarded in primaries and caucuses.

Yeah Obama had a nice couple of months but that may be all past tense. Since Hillary just picked up 3 superdelegates it's no longer a case of Obama narrowing Clinton's lead on superdelegates \:\)

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Not necessarily so. If during the same time period Clinton picked up three superdelegates, but Obama picked up more than three, he is narrowing her lead.

the G-man #940289 2008-04-20 7:05 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Not necessarily so. If during the same time period Clinton picked up three superdelegates, but Obama picked up more than three, he is narrowing her lead.

Yeah that.

MEM, did you happen to read todays NY Times article? It's really fascinating reading. Clinton's gutter politics, which you still claim is also being done by Obama, as well as her sense of entitlement apparently is turning OFF the superdelegates far and wide and bringing them TO Obama..

Hopefully the end game will be that Hillary ends joining the Lieberman Party and takes Rahm Emmanuel and the rest of the DLC with her..

whomod #940291 2008-04-20 7:14 PM
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Having now read the entire NY Times article, the other thing that strikes me is that it's yet-another example of Hillary thinking that Bill's presidency and experience were really "her" presidency and experience.

Many of the people named in the article were people who worked for, or with, BILL Clinton when he was president. These people are now "expected" to support Hillary, simply out of loyalty to Bill.

Why does loyalty to Bill demand supporting Hillary?

How would people in "real life" feel if faced with a demand that, if you once worked for a guy, you must support his WIFE in whatever she did later? I think most would feel the former boss was very unrealistic.

the G-man #940293 2008-04-20 7:25 PM
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Almost the same mentality the Obama campaign has in reverse, that if you didnt support the previous administration then you must support him, as if somehow he is the only guy that wasn't in it.

whomod #940294 2008-04-20 7:26 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Not necessarily so. If during the same time period Clinton picked up three superdelegates, but Obama picked up more than three, he is narrowing her lead.

Yeah that.

MEM, did you happen to read todays NY Times article? It's really fascinating reading. Clinton's gutter politics, which you still claim is also being done by Obama, as well as her sense of entitlement apparently is turning OFF the superdelegates far and wide and bringing them TO Obama..

Hopefully the end game will be that Hillary ends joining the Lieberman Party and takes Rahm Emmanuel and the rest of the DLC with her..

Are you saying Obama isn't doing the negative thing? I hate to break it to you but his talk about being above that sort of campaign is just talk. You don't have to search to hard to find one of his negative ads. There are even more after his poor debate performance. It's a wonder he didn't get whiplash from whining about Hillary's negative attacks to trying to one up her in output when the whining didn't work.

Hillary's not that bad Whomod. I think your getting too caught up in your candidate who isn't that bad either but he's not everything he's claiming to be.

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Heh. That's a Hillary talking point. One that many found odd since everyone can remember the first minutes of one of the debates where Hillary did whine that she was asked the 1st question. Obama has already responded to that though. So responding to Hillary attacks I guess is considered similar "attack" now.

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Undecided superdelegates don't feel bound by primaries

Many of the Democratic superdelegates who are still undecided say the most important factor in their decision is simple — they just want a winner in November.

Problem is, after nearly four months of primaries and caucuses in 46 states, territories and the District of Columbia, they still aren't sure who that is, don't seem be in any hurry to make up their minds and aren't interested in any artificial process that might force them to choose between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Most of the more than 100 undecided superdelegates who discussed their decision-making with The Associated Press in the past two weeks agreed that the primaries and caucuses do matter — whether it's who has the most national delegates or the candidate who won their state or congressional district. But few said the primaries will be the biggest factor in their decision.

"I think it's really important that we keep our eye on the prize, and the prize is the win in November," said Gail Rasmussen, an undecided superdelegate from Oregon.

That's good news for Clinton, who cannot catch Obama in delegates won in the few remaining primaries and caucuses.

Obama has been arguing for months that the superdelegates would be overturning the will of the voters if they don't nominate the candidate who has won the most pledged delegates. He has a 164-delegate lead in that category. Clinton, meanwhile, has argued that superdelegates should exercise independent judgment.

Many of the undecided superdelegates say they don't want to be perceived as elite insiders, cutting backroom deals to select a nominee. But that doesn't mean they're ready to forfeit their status.

"The way the system is set up, the superdelegates are able to weigh in because we are the most experienced people in the party," said Blake Johnson, an undecided superdelegate from Alaska. "We are the ones who have been part of the party the longest and keep it running on a day-to-day basis."

There will be nearly 800 superdelegates at the party's national convention in Denver this summer. They are the party and elected officials who automatically attend the convention and are free to support whomever they choose. They are in high demand now that neither Clinton nor Obama can clinch the nomination without them.

Clinton leads in superdelegate endorsements, 258-232, according to the latest tally by the AP. However, Obama has been eating away at her lead for much of the past two months, picking up 84 percent of the superdelegate endorsements since Super Tuesday.

About 250 superdelegates have told the AP they are undecided or uncommitted. About 60 more will be selected at state party conventions and meetings this spring.

AP reporters across the nation contacted the undecideds and asked them how they plan to choose. Of those, 117 agreed to discuss the decision-making process.

_About a third said the most important factor will be the candidate who, they believe, has the best chance of beating Republican John McCain in the general election.

_One in 10 said the biggest factor will be the candidate with the most pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses.

_One in 10 said what matters most is who won their state or congressional district in the primary or caucus.

_The rest cited multiple factors or parochial issues.

Most undecided superdelegates surveyed said they hope the nomination is settled before the party's convention. However, by more than a 2-to-1 margin, they said they oppose any formal mechanism, such as a separate primary or caucus, for the superdelegates to decide the nomination.

"I think that is changing the rules in the middle of the process," said Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma. "Obviously there are some problems with the process; there need to be some reforms made. Frankly, I would favor the people making the decision rather than insiders and party bosses."

Many undecided superdelegates refused to discuss their decision-making process, showing discomfort with the subject. Eighty-nine undecided superdelegates didn't return repeated phone calls or e-mails in the past two weeks, and 42 refused to discuss their decision when they were contacted.

"If I answer any of those (questions), people might be able to divine which way I am leaning," said Wayne Kinney, an undecided superdelegate from Oregon.

Even some experienced pols demurred.

"I'm not saying anything," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, an Illinois superdelegate and a former aide to President Clinton. "There's no value to it."

the G-man #940300 2008-04-20 7:56 PM
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Having now read the entire NY Times article, the other thing that strikes me is that it's yet-another example of Hillary thinking that Bill's presidency and experience were really "her" presidency and experience.

Many of the people named in the article were people who worked for, or with, BILL Clinton when he was president. These people are now "expected" to support Hillary, simply out of loyalty to Bill.

Why does loyalty to Bill demand supporting Hillary?

How would people in "real life" feel if faced with a demand that, if you once worked for a guy, you must support his WIFE in whatever she did later? I think most would feel the former boss was very unrealistic.

Many people do look at the Bill Clinton's two terms in the White House as a co-presidency. While I agree with you that still doesn't mean these superdelegates have to support Hillary I can understand why they or anyone running for office would try to use that connection for their advantage. I think Obama has even used Hillary's co-presidency to his advantage when it suited him. Either way these delegates are free to choose who they think will be the best candidate & it's not like Obama isn't calling them up trying to sway their decision.

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 Originally Posted By: MEM

Many people do look at the Bill Clinton's two terms in the White House as a co-presidency.

Which Hillary encourages when its convenient. When it's not (ie, NAFTA), suddenly it wasn't a co-presidency.

But, even it was a "co-presidency," loyalty to Bill doesn't mean you have to be loyal to his "co-president." People can easily believe that Bill did a good job, but that Hillary still isn't up to snuff, despite being his "co president."

the G-man #940303 2008-04-20 8:04 PM
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id say her being such a hag influenced bill to put the cigar to monica....

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No doubt.

whomod #940306 2008-04-20 8:19 PM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Heh. That's a Hillary talking point. One that many found odd since everyone can remember the first minutes of one of the debates where Hillary did whine that she was asked the 1st question. Obama has already responded to that though. So responding to Hillary attacks I guess is considered similar "attack" now.

So Obama's negative attacks are just merely responses? How was it a response when he milked the sniper fire gaffe? That & other attacks happened even before he flubbed up that last debate & whined about needing to rise above that type of thing. Sorry but Obama's talking points just fall flat when you examine his "responses".

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"the sniper fire gaffe"?

A "gaffe" is when someone speaks clumsily or mistakenly. It's typically a one-time slip of the tongue.

Hillary did not accidentally invent a story about being beset sniper fire while landing in Bosnia. Nor did she mention it once and then correct herself.

She out and out lied about this more than once. Let's not forget that.

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Undecided superdelegates don't feel bound by primaries

Many of the Democratic superdelegates who are still undecided say the most important factor in their decision is simple — they just want a winner in November.

Problem is, after nearly four months of primaries and caucuses in 46 states, territories and the District of Columbia, they still aren't sure who that is, don't seem be in any hurry to make up their minds and aren't interested in any artificial process that might force them to choose between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Most of the more than 100 undecided superdelegates who discussed their decision-making with The Associated Press in the past two weeks agreed that the primaries and caucuses do matter — whether it's who has the most national delegates or the candidate who won their state or congressional district. But few said the primaries will be the biggest factor in their decision.

"I think it's really important that we keep our eye on the prize, and the prize is the win in November," said Gail Rasmussen, an undecided superdelegate from Oregon.

That's good news for Clinton, who cannot catch Obama in delegates won in the few remaining primaries and caucuses.

The interesting (& annoying if your a Hillary backer) thing about this is that all the reporting & commentary I've seen basically parrots Obama's talking points concerning pledged delegates. This is the first time I think I've seen anyone actually talk to a bunch of them & it's not that huge of a factor who has the most pledged delegates.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

So Obama's negative attacks are just merely responses? How was it a response when he milked the sniper fire gaffe? That & other attacks happened even before he flubbed up that last debate & whined about needing to rise above that type of thing. Sorry but Obama's talking points just fall flat when you examine his "responses".

Conflating Barack Obama and CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It wasn't Obama playing and re-playing the videos of Hillary's bald faced lies, it was the media.

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