Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
what's in it for us?

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
You really love launching backends don't you?

done and done.

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
we do all the work and you get to keep all the revenue?

tell you what, you can have 98% of the revenue we've accumulated so far! you can keep it all, or split it amongst the crew, whatever you'd like -- you're in charge!

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

how about sending me some free comics or giving reax a job!

in all seriousness, there's not much i can even offer in my current broken-bank state. but i was thinking of maybe offering something rkmbsish related, however lame-ish-ly "second prize" that might seem. somethin like for every X amount of plays a game you make gets, or if you post a buncha games on X sites or whatever (clearly haven't worked out the details yet) ... whatever it is, for every time you reach that specific bench mark, i could reward you with something like an extra avatar image that'd rotate on refresh, like mine does. so if you reach the benchmark once, you'll have two images. if you reach it ten times, you'll have 11 rotating images. something like that.

whatever! its pretty much all i got, so you'll like it!

giant picture