From MSNBC's 'First Read':

*** We can stop the delegate math: Turning to the delegate math, if Clinton nets approximately 16 delegates out of Pennsylvania, she'll trail in the pledged battle by 150 delegates. With just 408 pledged delegates remaining, that means she'd need 68% of all pledged delegates left to overtake Obama. Now, if Obama and Clinton simply split the 187 delegates up for grabs on May 6 basically down the middle (which would be a rosy projection in Clinton's favor) and Obama's pledged delegate lead simply stayed at 150 and didn’t grow to 160 (the most likely outcome in two weeks), Clinton would need to win 85% of the then 221 remaining delegates up for grabs. 85%! As we mentioned on air last night, the battle for pledged delegates is over, Obama will win that metric and win it by some 100+ delegates.

It's the mathematical equivalent of sniper fire. Hillary's campaign is alleging that they overtook Obama in the popular vote last night! Of course, it isn't true, but hey, I guess it depends on what the definition of truth is. Even though Hillary is still half a million votes behind Obama, including primaries and caucuses, her campaign is of course now adding in the votes from Florida and Michigan - which were disqualified by the DNC. So, yes, if you add imaginary votes to the count then Hillary does take the lead in imaginary-land (hey, I'm more than happy to make her our party's imaginary nominee). What was David Geffen's now infamous line about the Clintons that got him into so much trouble with Hillary?

 Originally Posted By: David Geffen
Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it’s troubling.

As an aside, anybody else notice how quickly Hillary is willing to chuck Iowa and New Hampshire overboard? The reason Florida and Michigan got into trouble is because they moved their primaries and caucuses too far up, threatening Iowa's and New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation status. Hillary was all for Iowa and NH having that status when she wanted their votes. Now, not so much. Oh, that's the truth thing again. Sorry, I forgot. (Oh, and they also lied here, claiming that ABC validated their wacky math - ABC didn't, and called them on it.)

Speaking of lies, can't let the week end without acknowledging another Bill Lie:

Wow! On the day before the Pennsylvania election, Bill Clinton cries reverse racism and then denies he ever said it. Again, as if modern recording technology doesn't exist in their world. I'm sure there was no intended audience for that sly bit of bullshit. No sireeeee.

MEM cheers these despicable habitual liars.