Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I seriously doubt that the Democratic Party is going to tell the black voters who voted for Obama that their votes aren't going to count.

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

it's not as if they are from michigan or florida!

It kind of bugs me that nationally, blacks overwhelmingly vote for Obama no matter what is revealed about him.
In Pennsylvania 90% of blacks voted for Obama. (That demographic, along with the under-30 category were pretty much the only strong supporters of Obama in PA.)

Is it just skin-color, with no knowledge of the issues, his character, or what he stands for, that makes blacks select him?

Blacks have been the most reliable demographic supporters of the Democrats for decades, and consistently vote about 90% Democrat, in election after election, so I guess that shouldn't surprise me.
So I do agree that Democrats would be very reluctant from this perspective to alienate black voters by not picking Obama for the nomination.