Originally Posted By: the Doctor

the DNC has a better position to rebound from the fallout regarding Michigan and Florida. They can use the rules as their shield, especially since it is contained to only those two states. However, if they choose Clinton over Obama, it goes beyond the rules with that. Yes, the superdelegates are part of the rules, but then the DNC will have to justify why the superdelegates went with Clinton over Obama. It becomes more than just rules. It becomes a race and class issue. Considering the DNC is supposed to be for the 'common man' and minorities, it'll fuck the party over big time.

Dem: Clinton Dooming Us. Top black congressman slams Bill Clinton, warns racially-charged Democratic race could hurt party in November

Heh. "The First Black President" and his wife are destroying the party to stop the 'second.'

Those Clintons. So selfless. So forward thinking.