nice seeing Martha, though it occurs to me that she was never really gone. she missed the christmas special and 3 episodes, which she made up by being in 3 Torchwood episodes.
either way, i like her so it was nice to have her there.
Donna's family is so far kind of boring. The grandpa might be nice in that crazy old coot sort of way but the mom is just annoying. She's no Jackie. I also never really liked Martha's family. They just don't seem capable of replacing Mickey and Jackie.

I did enjoy the Doctor interacting with UNIT. It was a nice change to have this whole army instantly fall in line with the Doctor instead of the usual questioning and doubt. I liked the references to the past but wish there had been some reference to the fate of the Doctor's friend (i don't know his name but he was apparently one of the Doctor's best friends back during the UNIT days).
The banter with the kid and the Sontaran were also well done and funny. For some reason I enjoy the Doctor's humor most when it's the least appropriate, like when he's in mortal danger.

Bow ties are coool.