Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
will comicfolk complain if his face is burned off by fire (as the trailer seems to indicate) and not acid?

Where was that? he was laying in some kind of acid and screaming. where was the fire from?

there's a scene of someone dumping over a container of liquid, and a scene of harvey half laying in the liquid. in the scene where harvey is in the liquid, he just says "no" as if something is about to happen, not like something is currently happening.

...which... ok, is major reading into it, but thats what it looks like. at the very least, he's currently in that liquid and he's fine (i.e; not two-faced).

i guess maybe it could be, like, some crazy two-part joker acid that the joker hasn't added the second part two, or maybe its the mob having him lay in paint thinner they're about to light... who knows. i just thought it looked like not acid, and an (eventual) fire burn.

 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Either way, who gives a shit as long as the movie kicks as much arse as it looks like it will!


 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

(shut up Pariah)


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