Originally Posted By: whomod
Wow. You must really hate America right now. Considering 3 out of 4 people disagree with you and agree with me.

So c'mon Wondy, let's hear you give a big "Fuck you" to the people of the United States

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

If you're going to start justifying your view based on nothing but public opinion polls, I would like to point out that, on any given day, polls show, for example: McCain beating Obama, public discomfort over gay marriage, opposition to immigration and even support for waterboarding in certain circumstances.

Also, if public opinion is the sole arbitrator of quality, then I guess "American Idol" is the best fucking TV in history, and "Meet the Spartans" was funnier than "Arrested Development".

Will you be modifying your views on those issues too?