Originally Posted By: BSAMS

Hilary has been more of a centrist than Obama in the Senate.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Being "more of a centrist than Obama in the Senate" hardly makes one a moderate. And, it's not necessarily the case that she is more centrist at all.....

Writing in the Nation, Tom Hayden (former husband of Jane Fonda and one of the most famous liberal radicals of that generation) reminds us of Hillary's own radical past (and bemoans her recent attempts to hide it):

  • Hillary is blind to her own roots in the sixties. In one college speech she spoke of ecstatic transcendence; in another, she said, "Our social indictment has broadened. Where once we exposed the quality of life in the world of the South and the ghettos, now we condemn the quality of work in factories and corporations. Where once we assaulted the exploitation of man, now we decry the destruction of nature as well. How much long can we let corporations run us?"

    She was in Chicago for three nights during the 1968 street confrontations. She chaired the 1970 Yale law school meeting where students voted to join a national student strike again an "unconscionable expansion of a war that should never have been waged." She was involved in the New Haven defense of Bobby Seale during his murder trial in 1970, as the lead scheduler of student monitors. She surely agreed with Yale president Kingman Brewster that a black revolutionary couldn't get a fair trial in America.

    after Yale law school, Hillary went to work for the left-wing Bay Area law firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, which specialized in Black Panthers and West Coast labor leaders prosecuted for being communists. Two of the firm's partners, according to Treuhaft, were communists and the two others "tolerated communists".