Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wow. You must really hate America right now. Considering 3 out of 4 people disagree with you and agree with me.

So c'mon Wondy, let's hear you give a big "Fuck you" to the people of the United States

I don't put much stock in polls offered by partisan weasels like you, which poll all over the place from year to year, and you only gloat about when they SEEM TO agree with your partisan opinion.

Just like always, It's a lying cocksucker's argument on your part.

If I were inclined to raise opinion polls to gloat as you do, I could point out that the only ones consistently lower in the polls than Bush are the Democrat leadership.

So what you cheer for is actually lower than Bush.

wait, i can do this. ok any poll done that says people don't support bush or iraq was done by weasels who can't be trusted (i'm not sure if this is any relation to the lying weasel wondy said jesus would call me). any poll done that says people support bush or iraq was done by a trusted organization, and if you question them it's just liberal smear.
but it's all moot since there's a poll that says the democractic congress ranks lower than bush. but if you mention that a congress with such a slim majority and an opposition president has a hard time getting anything through...then you're a weasel.

how was that?

Bow ties are coool.