Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The problem is Hillary is right & is just stating the obvious. Obama wasn't able to win key swing states & voters that he'll need to win in a general. If the party is really interested in picking the candidate who has the best shot, it's something that needs to be looked at.
I suppose my party will probably end up pretending that even though Obama outspent Hillary in states like PA & had plenty of time to win those votes that it doesn't matter because he has a padded pledged delegate lead with wins in red states that won't be wins in a general election.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

so your argument is that Obama is bad because he had more money to spend. Which I presume sprouted up magically and wasn't a byproduct of wider and more grass roots support than Hillary's old money.

As for tis "padded delegate lead", do you want to know what you sound like to me? Like the fucking DLC. Like the fucking jackass party bosses that ran the Democratic (*ahem* Wondy) Party before Howard Dean came around and stopped writing off "red states" as unwinnable and therefore not worth bothering to even try in. And that was why the Democrats racked up impressive losses for the better part of almost 2 decades.

Dean came along and started his 50 state strategy which brought about the ire of the Hillary supporters in the DLC like that asshole James Carville, Rahm Emmanuel, Joe Lieberman all of the Hillary advisers etc. etc. In other words the Repube-Lites that were inexplicably quite content to lose election after election so long as their little fiefdoms remained intact and the special interest money kept pouring in.

If this primary does nothing else, I hope it finally brings about an end to these fake Democrats who have hurt the party for much too long with their defeatist and losing strategies.

Hillary lost because she ran a crap, top down insider and rather dated pre-Dean campaign compared to Obama. The only people who seem to disagree are the people who still support Hillary and are furiously concocting excuses for her. The DLC democratic Party is dead, long live the party of Jefferson, Roosevelt and Kennedy.