I don't know how true this story is or not but I was laughing my ass off when I read it at Daily Kos's comments page.

That one of the reasons Hillary's still in this is that she can't afford to drop out yet. She's always relied on big donors rather than the netroots and a lot of them gave her the "double max" donation; that is $2300 for the primaries and another $2300 for the general. Now, if'n she's not IN the general election she has to give the second $2,300 back, and she may well have spent it already. Which means she CAN'T give it back, so she bascially has to either get the Veep slot (and thus be legally entitled to the money) or basically try to get Obama to buy her off.

And while I would relegate to the tin-foil hat brigade normally; it actually matches some anecedotal evidence that came out a few month ago in the of Clinton Staffer Kathy Callhan's Diary on Blue Jersey on her oddessey to get Hillary's campaign to stop charging her credit card and return money for unauthorized tranasctions.

In this new context, particularly telling was the respose she got fromt he campaign before she filed a police report: ""Kathy Callahan, you are going to be with us all the way to the White House...So let's leave the money where it is and we'll save time on inevitable future donations and transactions!"

It's important to note that Ms. Callahan was already "double maxed" herself and they actually charged her another $1200 over that.