Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Chant
There's an article in a danish newspaper today about who is going to have the guts to tell Hillary that it's over, that her campaign have basically failed and that she's not going to be "El Presidente"

"El Presidente" is rather apt, considering the utter lack of resistance to invasion (the majority of which is from Mexico) in the immigration policies of Obama, Hillary, and even McCain.

 Originally Posted By: Chant

That was in no way what I meant. I merely stated that the article was saying that she's not going to be president, el presidente etc.

My apologies for any confusion, Chant.

I thought it was pretty clear that was my own added interpretation, and not yours. I don't want to imply that was your perspective.

I would like to see a near or complete moratorium on Mexican immigration for 20 years, until (and if) the current wave of immigrants is fully assimilated, as occurred after waves of German, Polish, Irish, Jewish, Italian, Russian and other waves of immigrants.

Unfortunately, none of the current three candidates manifest any backbone in that direction.