Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
I honestly think the best moment of this campaign was in how the voters last Tuesday soundly rejected Hillary's pandering to them, and frankly, insulting their intelligence by proposing the gas tax free summer.

It seemed like such an easy political move that was sure to pay dividends. Never mind that it would certainly not pass in Congress nor would there be enough time, even if there was support for it to pass it by summer nor would th President sign it. But there she was, promising free gas! And Obama was there making a dry policy argument and people actually stopped to listen and agreed with HIM!

That's pretty much unheard of in todays sound byte media (Hillary promises free gas! Obama says No!) and only goes to show what a different type of election season we're in now. It's a whole new type of electorate and it's a whole new ball game and the pandering and strategies of yesteryear aren't working today.

And this was the straw that broke Hillary's back. And as I said, it's insulting to people. Jut as lying to them about sniper fire was. I's playing on lowered expectations of the American public and expecting them to swallow a carefully managed campaign image and talking points.

Who knows, maybe she should have thrown in a free X-Box 360 along with the promise of a gas tax holiday.

By a majority in Indiana voting for Hillary Clinton?

And a large black population in North Carolina voting their skin color, rather than selecting the best candidate? (in every Democrat state primary, 85% to 90% of blacks have voted for Obama, obviously simply because he's black). How very informend and progressive.

Yeah. By a razor thin majority that dwindled AFTER her little pandering gimmick. And you can shout from the rooftops abut Hillary's impressive wins, but that lousy 2% win in Indiana was enough to have everyone following this campaign to write her obituary.

As for the 2nd half. I'm not even going to touch that. I'll just say that Hillary Clinton is making that same type of argument in reverse. And it's just as ugly as you sound.