Originally Posted By: Whomod
Yeah. By a razor thin majority that dwindled AFTER her little pandering gimmick. And you can shout from the rooftops abut Hillary's impressive wins, but that lousy 2% win in Indiana was enough to have everyone following this campaign to write her obituary.

As for the 2nd half. I'm not even going to touch that. I'll just say that Hillary Clinton is making that same type of argument in reverse. And it's just as ugly as you sound.

That's still a victory in Indiana for Hillary, and 2% more than Obama, *despite* Obama's spending 3 times as much in campaign dollars than Hillary to win the state was still unable to achieve victory for Obama. Like Hillary herself said, no amount spent by Obama seems to allow him to buy votes, and close the deal.

And West Virginia and Kentucky promise to be even greater wins for Hillary over Obama, of 20 to 30% margins.

I love your victim politics over the mere mention of black/white demographics. If 6 out of 10 white voters are voting for Hillary, and 9 out of 10 black voters in state after state are voting for Obama, you tell me which racial group is clearly the more racist.

Pointing out these statistics is not "racist".
It's just pure and simple fact.