Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

What I find truly sad is that you & other Obama supporters wanted the process to end once Obama started losing & you've just gotten meaner as it's continued.

um, define "meaner".

Like THIS mean?

"[T]he Clinton campaign's search for damaging information and its hope that such information exists continues, according to knowledgeable sources."

It's amazing to that the ones running a typical Republican lie and smear campaign against Obama constantly claim that they're the ones being victimized. Much to the dismay of anyone paying attention. And the supporters of the scorched earth candidate think everyone else is being mean when they react.


Clinton Team Acknowledges $20 Million Debt

A Top Aide Denies Rumors That She Is Seeking VP Slot

By Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 12, 2008; Page A04

CLARKSBURG, W.Va., May 11 -- With her campaign falling ever deeper into debt, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton spent a rainy Mother's Day seeking votes ahead of Tuesday's primary here, turning a deaf ear to calls for her to leave a Democratic presidential contest she has little hope of winning.

Clinton aides continued to insist that she will remain in the race even while confirming that she is $20 million in debt. "The voters are going to decide this," senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on "Fox News Sunday," acknowledging the $20 million figure. "There is no reason for her not to continue this process." Wolfson said he has seen "no evidence of her interest" in pursuing the second-place spot on the Democratic ticket, contrary to rumors that she is staying in the race to leverage a bid for the vice presidential nomination.

I scratch my head how Ms. Inevitability is so deep in debt when she's the better candidate and the little unelectable nobody who has burned thru more money still has more states, more voters and more superdelegates AND yet STILL HAS MORE MONEY THAN MS. INEVITABLE 'WHITES WILL VOTE FOR ME'!

It must be magic. Black magic.

It's also puzzling how the broke candidate thinks she can beat McCain while neck deep in debt..