The feds tightened the noose on ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer yesterday, as the booker who set up his trysts with hookers pleaded guilty and agreed to spill the beans to a grand jury.
Temeka Lewis, 32, 'fessed up to prostitution and money-laundering charges and promised to tell the feds everything she knows about the Emperors Club VIP, including a blow-by-blow description of Spitzer's dealings with hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre, a k a "Kristen."
In copping her plea, Lewis said she arranged for hookers to cross state lines and instructed multiple clients to make payments to QAT, "directing them to conceal what it was actually for."
The charges carry a maximum prison term of 25 years.
Agnifilo estimated that Lewis would likely have faced 16 months behind bars under federal sentencing guidelines, if not for her agreement to cooperate in the probe.
Following the plea, the judge denied an unusual request by Lewis' lawyer to keep her cooperation deal a secret by sealing court papers that spell out the agreement.
Personally, I think the resignation was probably punishment enough and they should leave him be. However, based on this, I'd bet they're going after him for money laundering and wire fraud.
I have a feeling that Spitz is about to know what its like to get a very expensive fucking without a condom himself.