Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Looks like Hillary had another huge landslide win with Kentucky. 35 points or so! The pledged delegate gap narrows even more & her popular vote total grows.

Despite Hillary Clinton's landslide victory in Kentucky, Barack Obama has won a majority of pledged delegates in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Clinton won Kentucky by more than 30 points, but Obama's share of the state's 51 delegates was enough put him over the threshold, according to CNN estimates.

Obama's top strategist, David Axelrod, said this was an "important milestone," but not the end of the trail.

Ironic that a state which gave Clinton such a big win also helped Obama reach a very critical "milestone."

Now MEM continues his fantastic assertion that Hillary's popular vote total grows, like the Clinton campaign keeps claiming that they lead in the popular vote. Just a reminder that the only reason they can do that, is to claim that Obama got zero votes in Michigan, and that voters in Iowa, Nevada, Maine and Washington don't count.

Even if you change the rules and fully seat Michaigan and Florida and count them for the popular vote totals and don't count any portion of the Michigan "uncommitted" (which were understood a the to be for Obama) vote for Obama, Hillary is still behind in the popular vote total. The only way she moves ahead in popular vote is if you do all that and don't count four of the caucus states.

It's sad delusion and the sooner the superdelegates bitch slap her figuratively speaking, the better off we'll all be.

As for Obama can't win the white vote. How'd Oregon go for Hillary? Maybe race has less to do with it and more to do with Appalachia being a haven for uneducated bigots. And that's a constituency that Hillary can be proud of!


Lane Country. 62% Obama!