That's what I wanna know!
I'm flattered that whomod thinks my cock is so large that I can sodomize myself.
And you say I butcher the english language

Least I can read.
TheCock" not "his" cock.
Stupid bastard.
Was I "delluded?" Perhaps I should "excorcize" some reading comprehension, whomod? Your obsession with me is so clear. How soon before you print a copy of my avatar to hang above your glory hole so you can fantasize that it's me (instead of daddy or uncle) that you're fellating? A day? Two?
Excellent way of avoiding the point, asshole.
And nobodies after you, so much as the whole board. You just reply more then most of the other idiots. So stop crying you emo fuck, you're not a victim.
You were big and bad enough to my buddy Mott, now you are a victim.
How the mighty (or dumb-bitches who think they are mighty) have fallen.
"You just reply more than..."
"So stop crying you emo fuck. You're not a victim." Or: "So stop crying you emo fuck; you're not a victim."
"You were big and bad enough to my buddy Mott. Now you are a victim." Or: "You were big and bad enough to my buddy Mott; now you are a victim."
(By the way, make up your mind. Am I or am I not a victim?)
I win again. Thank you for this micro-meltdown, but I want to witness the whole she-bang.