whomod continues to grasp at straws and create alts!
I win again!
My goodness! You're such a big, strong boy. You win all the time. You are a winner! Isn't that right everyone? Joe Mama
IS a winner. Just like this little guy...
He was the fastest runner. And he won. Just like Jo Jo did.
Good for you Joe.
whomod makes fun of the mentally handicapped while fantasizing about me...not cool, whomod. Leave the special kids alone. They didn't do anything to you. That kid even got lobster after the race, judging by the bib he's wearing. Just because I'm beating you all over this board doesn't mean you should take your sexual and general frustration out on innocent retarded people.
You lose, whomod. I win. And I didn't have to poke fun at innocents to do it.
Sweetheart, I'm not "whomod" and I'm certainly not poking fun at the mentally handicapped. Unless, of course, you think that comparing those brave, mentally handicapped boys and girls who compete in the Special Olympics to you is poking fun of them?
Do you?
Do you think you're not as "special" as a Special Olympian? Well, I think you are. In fact, I think you're Momma's very special Special Olympian. Yay for you!
Now you're just backpedalling, whomod. You got called out for having to make fun of the mentally challenged to make fun of me and, being the whiny liberal queen that you are, you had to back off the statement. That's just sad. You're too weak-minded to keep up with me, so you insulted people who can't help their condition to insult me. Say what you want, but I never made fun of the special needs people to get to you. Frankly, I'm more than a little disappointed at your shameful "quip." Feel free to apologize, if you're adult enough to do so.
Fucking degenerate, making fun of the retarded. It was lame enough that you had to go for the mother joke - lame, but ignorable (mother jokes don't offend). But making fun of the Special Olympics? I hope I'm not wrong in saying that's beneath even you. So far it looks like I might be.
Sweetheart, Mummy's soooo sorry for making you upset. Did you wet yourself?
But, you're wrong, honey. Momma's not making fun of anyone other than you. And do you know why? It's because you're my special boy.
Mommy loves you Sweetheart, always remember that.
Oh, and by the way, calling someone "retarded" is a bit of an insult; the politically correct term is "mentally handicapped" or "mentally challenged" or "special needs" people.
Try your very bestest to remember that and those meanies won't hold you down and pull off your pants at school anymore like they did last week.
Oh, one more thing: if being your Mommy is lame, than why do you keep responding with such emotion? Maybe if you stop, I'll just disappear like your real life Momma did.