Originally Posted By: YourMommy
 Originally Posted By: bing crosby
Oh boy, I think muh baby boys been bad again. Mama hold down Joe, I needs tah teach him a lesson that only daddys can teach!

Yes, I will. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Joe's been a very bad boy today. He used some bad language and was very mean to me and some other people. I know he's a "winner", but he does need to be punished.

Oooooooooooooooh YEAH

You best be believing Joe Mama won.

Cause Joe Mama ain't got no shaaaammmmmmeeeeee, NO.

Joe Mama will say whatever Joe Mama's GOTS to say and as many times as I got to say.

YEAH, no shame no shame no shame and no shame.

Why? Cause Joe Mama wins EVERY blow job contest.