Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: starheart1976
oh did i. i must have forgotten from reading so many threasd questioning my sexualty as well as my wife's. i didn't start this, i just fought back. and little worms like you hate t when someone fights back. isn't taht it, you were so shocked that i lost my patience that you banned me. real brave fucker. toying with you was fun thoug h. none of you dumb bastards h adany idea.

this is a funny gimmick... but considering the real starheart1976 had a canadian Ip and was actually a good speller as well as a semen swallower i am doubtful that this is really him.

so you been checking out his IP? (tee hee)

the real starheart and I are both canadian.
