Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Serpico
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Serpico
I guess that's a better theory then being a bunch of Whomod alts.

Still, this sounds offly hypocritical coming from a member of a board who "eat their own".

Throwing real-world tantrums of emotion, so far as to create an entirely new message board to post at...and, being cruel to each other for shared amusement are two different things. The ones that can handle it...the ones that get the joke...the ones that get that it's just a message board and is entirely inconsequential to the real world...well, they stay here. The ones that can't handle it...the ones that take it seriously...they're broken and sent packing.

That's the difference...

Yeah, this all sounds like a sugar coated version of for "we're a bunch of immature bitches who raid other boards and think we are baddasses for talking shit on the internet".

You really are a sycophant. You act this board is a actual place.

whomod, that rant will go into the hall of fame

Joe really cracked you good today...

Man, you fuckers are dumb.