Now Black Machismo (which is a hilarious name, by the way. Props for that.) is owning Halotard???
This day keeps getting better. How long until Halotard sounds the retreat?
find a clue... I'm the one who's here to stay....
wish i could take credit for the name but i stole it from Jay lethal...
and owning Halo is what i do.... he trys with his limp wrists to defend himself but it's like a woman in a white tshirt in a water gun fight... no chance...
of course, he's still more interesting than listening to you fools babble incoherently amongst yourselves.....
if any of you had the balls to register at the insurgency we would have no problems with letting you fuckbags post there as well.
I like Sikkbones. He speaks like Nowhereman, only not as lethal...