Hmmmm, okay. Your new favorite word is starting to drift off into other meanings. Time to snip this one in the bud. I'll keep it simple for you, big guy.
syc·o·phant (sĭk'ə-fənt, sī'kə-) n. A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.
So, if true, then you are saying Joe is an influential person, and thus obviously important. Joe wins again!
If not true, then you're wrong, and I'm not a "sycophant". Then I win again! Which is it?
Did you have to use an online dictionary to find those big words son?
Damn that mother fucker to hell, would ya? Bitch gets on my nerves.
That's okay, Halo. I realize it's difficult for you to comprehend linear logic, know...facts. I shouldn't have created such a complex dilemma for you. That's okay. You go ahead and call me a sycophant, if it makes you feel any better. Because, I know that's all you have in life right now. So, draw strength from your mighty internet presence, and the ability to have such direct influence on such important cultural factors. Like message boards. About comic books. One day soon, you will be a man!
can you repeat that in english because i think you just did what you are accusin him of doing???