Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
See some of these guys are quite intelligent and funny.
Fuck knows why they hang around with a retard like Halo.

I think you mean me.

He did.

If Nowie acknowledges you, you really have to ask yourself..."Self...why DO I hang around with a retard like Hillary-O?"

halo invited himself to the board after it was established... i've been trying to get rid of him for months but he's like that peice of feces that just won't come clean off the bottom of the toilet.

Have you tried using a toothbrush..? Apparently halo has one that's well broken in.

So that's what you morons mean by "broken in". Recieving alot of blow jobs? Maybe this place isn't so bad after all.

OK. You've stopped trying even a little bit.

After trying soooooo hard to deny deep throating your toothbrush...and by toothbrush I mean "any cock 2 inches or longer"...you just admitted to gagging while trying to give your oral cleanser oral pleasure.


Wait 'til Uschi gets a load of you....

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love