I see Joe hasn't taught you how to roll over and play dead yet.
No but I did learn that saying "I win" has power over you all.
I win
I win
I win
I win
Now shut the fuck up.
Damn, Joe really
did break you.

Not that there was any doubt.
Now roll over and play dead. Good doggie!
You and Joe are perfect for eachother. Really. You should get married, but please don't breed.
You hear that Joe!

Too bad I've already propsed to Uschi! It coulda been grand!
Halotard just wants us to adopt him. His real daddy and uncle used him so bad that he can't brush his teeth without gagging while his real mommy pretended that nothing was happening.
You and Uschi will make a sweet couple. Maybe the two of you could adopt Halotard.