You haven't seen any of Joe's emo rants, have you?
Oh wait, you quoted it. Then your just not that bright.
that was an emo rant?
If Halo hasn't gotten to Joe then how do explain his obsession and unbribled hatred for Halo?
Even you were like "Damn Joe".
we have no hatred here (cept for nowhereman)You guys arent important enough for that. and as far as obsession goes, id say that coming back to a message board that you got chased of off would fit that description a little more. Now stop protecting a guy who even your own people dont like...
If we didn't like him we wouldn't be here.
You can't tell me he doesn't hate Halo. That's pretty absurd.
And obsession is constant thought. Halo hasn't been here for 5 months but came back to help a friend. Not obsession. That's been explained to you guys time and time again yet you ignore it. Yet, when Halo ignores the meaning of "eat our own" Joe Mama goes off on a emo tirade.